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Apps Script Web Apps associated with Google Cloud Platform project verified as owned by me

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Alan Wells

Feb 1, 2020, 4:47:37 PM2/1/20
to Google Apps Script Community
In the old Google Search Console:

The table lists two of my Apps Script web apps as having me as a verified owner.  Both of those Web Apps are associated with their own Google Cloud Platform project.  And the Verification details states:

Automatically verified in Google Drive

This makes me think that when the Web App was associated with a GCP project, that it was automatically verified as being owned by me.  The significance of this is, that I should be able to use that Web App as a subscription for Pub/Sub because it's verified as being owned by me.

The new Google Search Console

Does not list my Apps Script Web Apps at all.

My point is, that if an Apps Script Web App needs to be verified as being owned by someone in order to use it as a Web Hook, and that can't be done through any of the normal methods in the Google Search Console, then maybe associating it with a GCP project is a way to verify it.

Feb 1, 2020, 5:05:41 PM2/1/20

It would be really great if the URLs that are generated from Web Apps or Google Forms use the custom domain that a GSuite user is using. This would make the links better associated with the domains that the user uses and less confusing to anyone seeing the Web App link as to who owns it.


Anyone else support this idea? Would be nice to raise a ticket on this.

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Dimu Designs

Feb 1, 2020, 8:30:33 PM2/1/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I've also noticed that. For some reason the new search console does not list all verified urls.

I have a question for you; were these web apps recently deployed? More precisely were they deployed after August 2019 (following full migration from Chrome Web Store to GSuite Marketplace)? 

Up until then we had the option to "Register in Chrome Web Store", which when selected automatically verified a Web App URL; hence the designation "Automatically verified in Google Drive". So those listed Web Urls could be from your older projects.

I have a number of projects that were previously verified using the now defunct "Register in Web Store" option and they all retain their verified status.

Alan Wells

Feb 1, 2020, 8:36:45 PM2/1/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I think that both the web apps showing as being verified were published before August 2019.

I can't find a way of getting a Web App verified as owned by me.  Those two web app links that are showing as being verified, have my domain name in the url, but when I publish a new Web App now, my domain name is not in the url.  I have no idea how those Web App url's got verified as being owned by me, but it must have been somehow done a while ago.

Dimu Designs

Feb 1, 2020, 10:32:39 PM2/1/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Come to think of it, Eric Koleda touched on this issue back in April 2019 in the following thread:!searchin/google-apps-script-community/eric$20koleda|sort:date/google-apps-script-community/vpdOB7E3-qI/O02fmE0hBAAJ

Hopefully, he'll see this thread and give us an update.
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