Add script to context menu, get input from alert

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Feb 22, 2020, 3:53:50 AM2/22/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I have several problems. I'm working on a Google Apps Script which creates a google doc with a specific string in the title and a paragraph. What I try to achieve is to add a point to the right-click (context) menu on my Google Drive saying something like 'New Agenda'.If that is not possible how would I run the script from Google Drive? After that, a pop up should open where I can input a string or if there is something like that available a date picker. This value then I would use in my script. If someone has the time I would really appreciate a detailed explanation of how to achieve those two points. Thanks a lot in advance


Feb 22, 2020, 1:50:47 PM2/22/20
to Google Apps Script Community

You can't do that.

As for me (if it's really necessary) First of all, I would try to implement userscript, because This is a very quick and convenient way to modify the page.
But the industry will not integrate such an application. It does not even have an SDK.

Best, Alex.
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