// Copyright 2015, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @name Account Summary Report
* @overview The Manager Account Summary Report script generates an at-a-glance
* report showing the performance of an entire Google Ads Manager Account.
* for more details.
* @version 1.1
* @changelog
* - version 1.1
* - Add user-updateable fields, and ensure report row ordering.
* - version 1.0.1
* - Added validation for external spreadsheet setup.
* - version 1.0
* - Released initial version.
// The hour of the day at or after which to trigger the process of collating
// the Manager Account Report for yesterday's data. Set at least 3 hours into
// the day to ensure that data for yesterday is complete.
var MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * 3600 * 1000;
// The maximum number of accounts within the manager account that can be
// processed in a given day.
var MAX_ACCOUNTS_EXCEEDED_ERROR_MSG = 'There are too many accounts within ' +
'this manager account structure for this script to be used, please ' +
'consider alternatives for manager account reporting.';
// Comment out the following line to default to the latest reporting version.
apiVersion: 'v201809'
// The metrics to be pulled back from Account Report.
var QUERY_FIELDS = ['Date', 'Cost', 'Impressions', 'Clicks'];
* The metrics to be presented in the spreadsheet report. To add additional
* fields to the report, follow the instructions at the link in the header
* above.
['Cost', 'Avg. CPC', 'CTR', 'Avg. Pos.', 'Impressions', 'Clicks'];
var reportState = null;
var spreadsheetAccess = null;
* Main entry point for the script.
function main() {
spreadsheetAccess = new SpreadsheetAccess(SPREADSHEET_URL, 'Report');
// Retrieve a list of dates for which to fetch and create new rows.
var newDates = spreadsheetAccess.getNextDates();
// Initialise the object used to keep track of and collate report results on
// Drive.
reportState = new ReportState();
var nextAccounts = reportState.getNextAccounts();
if (nextAccounts.length) {
var dateQueue = reportState.getDateQueue();
if (dateQueue.length) {
'processAccount', 'processIntermediateResults',
} else if (reportState.getCompletedDates().length) {
* @typedef {Object} ReportRow
* @property {string} Date The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
* @property {number} Cost
* @property {number} Impressions
* @property {number} Clicks
* Runs the Report query via AWQL on each individual account. A list of dates
* required are passed in from the calling manager account process. Each account
* determines whether it is ready to request each of those dates: A sub account
* of a manager accountcan have a different timezone to that of the manager
* account, and therefore it is necessary to check on each account with the local timezone.
* @param {string} dateQueueJson JSON string representing a list of dates to
* process, in ascending date order.
* @return {string} Stringified Object.<ReportRow>
function processAccount(dateQueueJson) {
var dateQueue = JSON.parse(dateQueueJson);
// It is necessary to represent the dates for yesterday and today in local
// format.
var tz = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
var today = new Date();
var yesterday = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
var yesterdayString = Utilities.formatDate(yesterday, tz, 'yyyyMMdd');
var results = {};
for (var i = 0; i < dateQueue.length; i++) {
var nextDate = dateQueue[i];
// Only retrieve the report if either (a) the date in question is earlier
// than yesterday, or (b) the date in question is yesterday *and*
// sufficient hours have passed for yesterday's results to be complete.
if (nextDate < yesterdayString ||
(nextDate === yesterdayString &&
parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(today, tz, 'H')) >=
results[nextDate] = getReportRows(nextDate);
return JSON.stringify(results);
* Retrieves a row from Account Performance Report for a specified date.
* @param {string} dateString The date in the form YYYYMMDD.
* @return {ReportRow}
function getReportRows(dateString) {
var row = {};
var report = AdsApp.report(
'SELECT ' + QUERY_FIELDS.join(',') + ' ' +
'DURING ' + dateString + ',' + dateString,
if (report.rows().hasNext()) {
row = report.rows().next();
} else {
QUERY_FIELDS.forEach(function(metric) {
row[metric] = '0';
row.Date = separateDateString(dateString);
return row;
* Callback function called on completion of executing managed accounts. Adds
* all the returned results to the ReportState object and then stores to Drive.
* @param {Array.<AdsManagerApp.ExecutionResult>} executionResultsList
function processIntermediateResults(executionResultsList) {
reportState = new ReportState();
for (var i = 0; i < executionResultsList.length; i++) {
var executionResult = executionResultsList[i];
var customerId = executionResult.getCustomerId();
var error = executionResult.getError();
if (error) {
'Error encountered processing account ' + customerId + ': ' + error);
} else {
var results = JSON.parse(executionResult.getReturnValue());
var completedDates = Object.keys(results);
for (j = 0; j < completedDates.length; j++) {
var completedDate = completedDates[j];
customerId, completedDate, results[completedDate]);
// Save changes to object on Drive.
if (reportState.getCompletedDates().length) {
* Writes any completed records - where statistics have been returned from all
* managed accounts and aggregated - to the spreadsheet and optionally sends an
* email alert.
function processFinalResults() {
spreadsheetAccess = new SpreadsheetAccess(SPREADSHEET_URL, 'Report');
var completedResults = reportState.getCompletedDates();
if (completedResults.length) {
var isSingleCurrency = reportState.isSingleCurrency();
for (var i = 0; i < completedResults.length; i++) {
var rows = completedResults[i].reportData;
// Step 1: Running totals
// For each new row, set up variables to store running totals.
var result = {impressions: 0, clicks: 0, cost: 0, impressionPercentageSum: 0};
for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
// Each row of data represents a different account.
var row = rows[j];
// Cost, for example, requires only summing Cost across all accounts.
result.cost += row.Cost;
result.impressions += row.Impressions;
result.clicks += row.Clicks;
// Step 2: Final aggregation and presentation
// Perform the final formatting to create a new row.
var formattedRow = [
// Cost is an example where if different sub-accounts have different
// currencies, adding them together is not meaningful. The below adds
// "N/A" for "Not Applicable" in this case.
isSingleCurrency ? result.cost : 'N/A',
isSingleCurrency ? (result.cost / result.clicks).toFixed(2) : 'N/A',
// CTR is calculated from dividing total clicks by total impressions,
// not by summing CTRs from individual accounts.
(result.clicks * 100 / result.impressions).toFixed(2),
result.impressions, result.clicks
var email = spreadsheetAccess.getEmail();
if (email) {
* Constructs and sends email summary.
* @param {string} email The recipient's email address.
function sendEmail(email) {
var yesterdayRow = spreadsheetAccess.getPreviousRow(1);
var twoDaysAgoRow = spreadsheetAccess.getPreviousRow(2);
var weekAgoRow = spreadsheetAccess.getPreviousRow(5);
var yesterdayColHeading = yesterdayRow ? yesterdayRow[0] : '-';
var twoDaysAgoColHeading = twoDaysAgoRow ? twoDaysAgoRow[0] : '-';
var weekAgoColHeading = weekAgoRow ? weekAgoRow[0] : '-';
var html = [];
'<html>', '<body>',
'<table width=800 cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>', '<tr>',
'<td colspan=2 align=right>',
'<div style=\'font: italic normal 10pt Times New Roman, serif; ' +
'margin: 0; color: #666; padding-right: 5px;\'>' +
'Powered by Google Ads Scripts</div>',
'</td>', '</tr>', '<tr bgcolor=\'#3c78d8\'>', '<td width=500>',
'<div style=\'font: normal 18pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
'padding: 3px 10px; color: white\'>Account Summary report</div>',
'</td>', '<td align=right>',
'<div style=\'font: normal 18pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
'padding: 3px 10px; color: white\'>',
AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(), '</h1>', '</td>', '</tr>',
'</table>', '<table width=800 cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>',
'<tr bgcolor=\'#ddd\'>', '<td></td>',
'<td style=\'font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
'padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
'text-align: left\'>',
yesterdayColHeading, '</td>',
'<td style=\'font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
'padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
'text-align: left\'>',
twoDaysAgoColHeading, '</td>',
'<td style=\'font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
'padding: 5px 0px 5x 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
'text-align: left\'>',
weekAgoColHeading, '</td>', '</tr>');
for (var d = 0; d < DISPLAY_FIELDS.length; d++) {
var fieldName = DISPLAY_FIELDS[d];
emailRow(fieldName, d + 1, yesterdayRow, twoDaysAgoRow, weekAgoRow));
html.push('</table>', '</body>', '</html>');
email, 'Google Ads Account ' + AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId() +
' Summary Report',
'', {htmlBody: html.join('\n')});
* Constructs a row for embedding in the email message.
* @param {string} title The title for the row.
* @param {number} column The index into each ReportRow object for the value to
* extract.
* @param {ReportRow} yesterdayRow Statistics from yesterday, or the most recent
* last day processed.
* @param {ReportRow} twoDaysAgoRow Statistics from 2 days ago, or the 2nd most
* recent day processed.
* @param {ReportRow} weekAgoRow Statistics from a week ago, or the 7th most
* recent day processed.
* @return {string} HTML representing a row of statistics.
function emailRow(title, column, yesterdayRow, twoDaysAgoRow, weekAgoRow) {
var html = [];
var twoDaysAgoCell = '<td></td>';
var weekAgoCell = '<td></td>';
if (twoDaysAgoRow) {
twoDaysAgoCell = '<td style=\'padding: 0px 10px\'>' +
twoDaysAgoRow[column] +
formatChangeString(yesterdayRow[column], twoDaysAgoRow[column]) +
if (weekAgoRow) {
weekAgoCell = '<td style=\'padding: 0px 10px\'>' + weekAgoRow[column] +
formatChangeString(yesterdayRow[column], weekAgoRow[column]) + '</td>';
'<tr>', '<td style=\'padding: 5px 10px\'>' + title + '</td>',
'<td style=\'padding: 0px 10px\'>' + yesterdayRow[column] + '</td>',
twoDaysAgoCell, weekAgoCell, '</tr>');
return html.join('\n');
* Formats HTML representing the change from an old to a new value in the email
* summary.
* @param {number} newValue
* @param {number} oldValue
* @return {string} HTML representing the change.
function formatChangeString(newValue, oldValue) {
var newValueString = newValue.toString();
var oldValueString = oldValue.toString();
var x = newValueString.indexOf('%');
if (x != -1) {
newValueString = newValueString.substring(0, x);
var y = oldValueString.indexOf('%');
oldValueString = oldValueString.substring(0, y);
var change = parseFloat(newValueString - oldValueString).toFixed(2);
var changeString = change;
if (x != -1) {
changeString = change + '%';
var color = 'cc0000';
var template = '<span style=\'color: #%s; font-size: 8pt\'> (%s)</span>';
if (change >= 0) {
color = '38761d';
return Utilities.formatString(template, color, changeString);
* Convenience function fo reformat a string date from YYYYMMDD to YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param {string} date String in form YYYYMMDD.
* @return {string} String in form YYYY-MM-DD.
function separateDateString(date) {
return [date.substr(0, 4), date.substr(4, 2), date.substr(6, 2)].join('-');
* @typedef {Object} AccountData
* @property {string} currencyCode
* @property {Object.<ReportRow>} records Results for individual dates.
* @typedef {Object} State
* @property {Array.<string>} dateQueue Holds an ordered list of dates requiring
* report entries.
* @property {Object.<AccountData>} accounts Holds intermediate results for each
* account.
* ReportState coordinates the ordered retrieval of report data across CIDs, and
* determines when data is ready for writing to the spreadsheet.
* @constructor
function ReportState() {
this.state_ = this.loadOrCreateState_();
* Either loads an existing state representation from Drive, or if one does not
* exist, creates a new state representation.
* @return {State}
* @private_
ReportState.prototype.loadOrCreateState_ = function() {
var reportStateFiles =
if (reportStateFiles.hasNext()) {
var reportStateFile = reportStateFiles.next();
if (reportStateFiles.hasNext()) {
reportState = JSON.parse(reportStateFile.getBlob().getDataAsString());
} else {
reportState = this.createNewState_();
return reportState;
* Creates a new state representation on Drive.
* @return {State}
* @private
ReportState.prototype.createNewState_ = function() {
var accountDict = {};
var accounts = AdsManagerApp.accounts().withCondition("Impressions > 0").forDateRange("LAST_MONTH").get();
while (accounts.hasNext()) {
var account = accounts.next();
accountDict[account.getCustomerId()] = {
records: {},
currencyCode: account.getCurrencyCode()
var reportState = {dateQueue: [], accounts: accountDict};
this.getFilename_(), JSON.stringify(reportState));
return reportState;
* Updates the state object to reflect both accounts that are added to
* the manager account and accounts that are removed.
* @param {State} reportState The state as loaded from Drive.
* @private_
ReportState.prototype.updateAccountsList_ = function(reportState) {
var accountState = reportState.accounts;
var accounts = AdsManagerApp.accounts().get();
var accountDict = {};
while (accounts.hasNext()) {
var account = accounts.next();
var customerId = account.getCustomerId();
accountDict[customerId] = true;
if (!accountState.hasOwnProperty(customerId)) {
accountState[customerId] = {
records: {},
currencyCode: account.getCurrencyCode()
var forRemoval = [];
var existingAccounts = Object.keys(accountState);
for (var i = 0; i < existingAccounts.length; i++) {
if (!accountDict.hasOwnProperty(existingAccounts[i])) {
forRemoval.forEach(function(customerId) { delete accountState[customerId]; });
* Adds dates to the state object, for which reports should be retrieved.
* @param {Array.<string>} dateList A list of strings in the form YYYYMMDD, that
* are to be marked as for report retrieval by each managed account.
ReportState.prototype.addDatesToQueue = function(dateList) {
if (dateList.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < dateList.length; i++) {
var dateString = dateList[i];
if (this.state_.dateQueue.indexOf(dateString) === -1) {
// Ensure the date queue is sorted oldest to newest.
* Retrieve the list of dates requiring report generation.
* @return {Array.<string>} An ordered list of strings in the form YYYYMMDD.
ReportState.prototype.getDateQueue = function() {
return this.state_.dateQueue;
* Removes a date from the list of dates remaining to have their reports pulled
* and aggregated, and removes any associated saved statistics from the state
* object also. Saves the state to Drive.
* @param {string} dateString Date in the format YYYYMMDD.
ReportState.prototype.removeDateFromQueue = function(dateString) {
var index = this.state_.dateQueue.indexOf(dateString);
if (index > -1) {
this.state_.dateQueue.splice(index, 1);
var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts);
for (var i = 0; i < accountKeys.length; i++) {
var customerId = accountKeys[i];
var records = accounts[customerId].records;
if (records.hasOwnProperty(dateString)) {
delete records[dateString];
* Stores results for a given account in the state object. Does not save to
* Drive: As this may be called ~50 times in succession for each managed
* account, call .flush() after all calls to save only once.
* @param {string} customerId The customerId for the results.
* @param {string} dateString The date of the results in the form YYYYMMDD.
* @param {ReportRow} results Statistics from Account Performance Report.
ReportState.prototype.updateAccountResult = function(
customerId, dateString, results) {
var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
if (accounts.hasOwnProperty(customerId)) {
var records = accounts[customerId].records;
records[dateString] = results;
* Saves the report state object to Drive.
ReportState.prototype.flush = function() {
var reportStateFilename = this.getFilename_();
var reportFiles =
if (reportFiles.hasNext()) {
var reportFile = reportFiles.next();
if (reportFiles.hasNext()) {
} else {
* Retrieves the list of accounts to process next. Return accounts in an
* ordering where those accounts with the oldest incomplete date return first.
* @return {Array.<string>} A list of CustomerId values.
ReportState.prototype.getNextAccounts = function() {
var nextAccounts = [];
var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
// Sort only to make it easier to test.
var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts).sort();
// dateQueue is ordered from oldest to newest
var dates = this.state_.dateQueue;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
while (i < dates.length && nextAccounts.length < MAX_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTS) {
var date = dates[i];
while (j < accountKeys.length &&
nextAccounts.length < MAX_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTS) {
var customerId = accountKeys[j];
var records = accounts[customerId].records;
if (!records.hasOwnProperty(date)) {
return nextAccounts;
* @typedef {object} CompletedDate
* @property {!string} dateString The date of the report data, in YYYYMMDD
* format.
* @property {Array.<ReportRow>} reportData Rows of report data taken from each
* account within the manager account.
* Gets a list of the dates, and associated report data in the State object for
* which all accounts have data (and are therefore ready for aggregation and
* writing to a Spreadsheet).
* @return {!Array.<CompletedDate>} An array of CompletedDate objects, ordered
* from the oldest date to the most recent.
ReportState.prototype.getCompletedDates = function() {
var completedDates = [];
var dateQueue = this.state_.dateQueue;
for (var i = 0; i < dateQueue.length; i++) {
completedDates.push({dateString: dateQueue[i], reportData: []});
var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts);
for (var j = 0; j < accountKeys.length; j++) {
var customerId = accountKeys[j];
var records = accounts[customerId].records;
var forRemoval = [];
for (var k = 0; k < completedDates.length; k++) {
var dateString = completedDates[k].dateString;
if (records.hasOwnProperty(dateString)) {
} else {
forRemoval.forEach(function(index) { completedDates.splice(index, 1); });
return completedDates;
* Generate a filename unique to this manager account for saving the
* intermediate data on Drive.
* @return {string} The filename.
* @private
ReportState.prototype.getFilename_ = function() {
return AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId() + '-account-report.json';
* Returns whether the accounts store in the state object all have the same
* currency or not. This is relevant in determining whether showing an
* aggregated cost and CTR is meaningful.
* @return {boolean} True if only one currency is present.
ReportState.prototype.isSingleCurrency = function() {
var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts);
for (var i = 1; i < accountKeys.length; i++) {
if (accounts[accountKeys[i - 1]].currencyCode !==
accounts[accountKeys[i]].currencyCode) {
return false;
return true;
* Sets the currency code for a given account.
* @param {string} customerId
* @param {string} currencyCode , e.g. 'USD'
ReportState.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(customerId, currencyCode) {
var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
if (accounts.hasOwnProperty(customerId)) {
accounts[customerId].currencyCode = currencyCode;
* Throws an exception if there are multiple files with the same name.
* @private
ReportState.prototype.throwDuplicateFileException_ = function() {
throw 'Multiple files named ' + this.getFileName_() + ' detected. Please ' +
'ensure there is only one file named ' + this.getFileName_() +
' and try again.';
* Throws an exception for when no file is found for the given name.
* @private
ReportState.prototype.throwNoReportFileFoundException_ = function() {
throw 'Could not find the file named ' + this.getFileName_() +
' to save the to.';
* Class used to ease reading and writing to report spreadsheet.
* @param {string} spreadsheetUrl
* @param {string} sheetName The sheet name to read/write results from/to.
* @constructor
function SpreadsheetAccess(spreadsheetUrl, sheetName) {
// Offsets into the existing template sheet for the top left of the data.
this.DATA_COL_ = 2;
this.DATA_ROW_ = 6;
this.spreadsheet_ = validateAndGetSpreadsheet(spreadsheetUrl);
this.sheet_ = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName(sheetName);
this.accountTz_ = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
this.spreadsheetTz_ = this.spreadsheet_.getSpreadsheetTimeZone();
var d = new Date();
var s = new Date(
Utilities.formatDate(d, this.spreadsheetTz_, 'MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss'));
this.spreadsheetOffset_ = s.getTime() - d.getTime();
* Transforms a Date object as read from the spreadsheet into a Date object
* which can be used to obtain the same Year, Month, Day, Hours values as would
* be displayed in the spreadsheet.
* @param {Date} date
* @return {Date} A date object shifted by the difference in timezones.
* @private
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.localDateToSpreadsheetDate_ = function(date) {
var spreadsheetSecs = date.getTime() - this.spreadsheetOffset_;
return new Date(spreadsheetSecs);
* Retrieves a list of dates for which Account Report data is required. This is
* based on the last entry in the spreadsheet. If the last entry value is empty
* then yesterday is used, otherwise, all dates between the last entry and
* yesterday are used, except those for which data is already in the Sheet.
* @return {Array.<string>} List of dates in YYYYMMDD format.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.getNextDates = function() {
var nextDates = [];
var y = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
var yesterday = Utilities.formatDate(y, this.accountTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
var lastCheck = this.spreadsheet_.getRangeByName('last_check').getValue();
if (lastCheck.length === 0) {
nextDates = [yesterday];
} else {
var lastCheckDate =
Utilities.formatDate(lastCheck, this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
while (lastCheckDate !== yesterday) {
lastCheck.setTime(lastCheck.getTime() + MILLIS_PER_DAY);
lastCheckDate =
Utilities.formatDate(lastCheck, this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
var sheet = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName('Report');
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var existingDates = {};
data.slice(5).forEach(function(row) {
var existingDate =
Utilities.formatDate(row[1], this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
existingDates[existingDate] = true;
return nextDates.filter(function(d) {
return !existingDates[d];
* Updates the spreadsheet to set the date for the last saved report data.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.setDateComplete = function() {
var sheet = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName('Report');
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
if (data.length > 5) {
var lastDate = data[data.length - 1][1];
* Writes the next row of report data to the spreadsheet.
* @param {Array.<*>} row An array of report values
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.writeNextEntry = function(row) {
var lastRow = this.sheet_.getDataRange().getLastRow();
if (lastRow + 1 > this.sheet_.getMaxRows()) {
this.sheet_.getRange(lastRow + 1, this.DATA_COL_, 1, row.length).setValues([
* Retrieves the values for a previously written row
* @param {number} daysAgo The reversed index of the required row, e.g. 1 is the
* last written row, 2 is the one before that etc.
* @return {Array.<*>} The array data, or null if the index goes out of bounds.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.getPreviousRow = function(daysAgo) {
var index = this.sheet_.getDataRange().getLastRow() - daysAgo + 1;
if (index < this.DATA_ROW_) {
return null;
var numColumns = DISPLAY_FIELDS.length;
var row = this.sheet_.getRange(index, this.DATA_COL_, 1, numColumns + 1)
row[0] = Utilities.formatDate(row[0], this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
return row;
* Retrieves the email address set in the spreadsheet.
* @return {string}
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.getEmail = function() {
return this.spreadsheet_.getRangeByName('email').getValue();
* Sorts the data in the spreadsheet into ascending date order.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.sortReportRows = function() {
var sheet = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName('Report');
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var reportRows = data.slice(5);
if (reportRows.length) {
reportRows.sort(function(rowA, rowB) {
if (!rowA || !rowA.length) {
return -1;
} else if (!rowB || !rowB.length) {
return 1;
} else if (rowA[1] < rowB[1]) {
return -1;
} else if (rowA[1] > rowB[1]) {
return 1;
return 0;
sheet.getRange(6, 1, reportRows.length, reportRows[0].length)
* Validates the parameters related to the data retrieval to make sure
* they are within valid values.
* @throws {Error} If the new day trigger hour is less than 3 or
* greater than or equal to 24
function validateParameters() {
throw new Error('Please set the new day trigger hour at least 3 hours' +
' into the day and less than 24 hours after the start of the day');
* Validates the provided spreadsheet URL and email address
* to make sure that they're set up properly. Throws a descriptive error message
* if validation fails.
* @param {string} spreadsheeturl The URL of the spreadsheet to open.
* @return {Spreadsheet} The spreadsheet object itself, fetched from the URL.
* @throws {Error} If the spreadsheet URL or email hasn't been set
function validateAndGetSpreadsheet(spreadsheeturl) {
throw new Error('Please specify a valid Spreadsheet URL. You can find' +
' a link to a template in the associated guide for this script.');
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheeturl);
var email = spreadsheet.getRangeByName('email').getValue();
if (email == DEFAULT_EMPTY_EMAIL) {
throw new Error('Please either set a custom email address in the' +
' spreadsheet, or set the email field in the spreadsheet to blank' +
' to send no email.');
return spreadsheet;