Pull MCC Performance Report Error

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Divya Mahbubani

May 30, 2019, 7:32:05 PM5/30/19
to Google Apps Script Community

Copied a script but its giving me error "An error occurred. Please try again later."

Its the ad performance report for an MCC
account summary 5/30/19

i also do want it to show account so essentially its a pacing doc to show me how much i should inc/dec per day based on entered monthly goals and also want to see ROAS

account summary 5/30/19

Steve Webster

May 30, 2019, 7:40:07 PM5/30/19
to google-apps-sc...@googlegroups.com
The link to the spreadsheet needs its permissions changed to allow others to open.
If you are looking for paid help let the community know, as well. Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Steve Webster
SW gApps, President 
Google Product Expert in: Google Apps Script, Drive, and Docs 
Google Vendor (2012-2013) || Google Apps Developer Blog Guest Blogger 
Add-ons: Text gBlaster and Remove Blank Rows

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Divya Mahbubani

May 30, 2019, 7:42:18 PM5/30/19
to Google Apps Script Community

Divya Mahbubani

May 30, 2019, 10:58:12 PM5/30/19
to Google Apps Script Community
// Copyright 2015, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @name Account Summary Report
 * @overview The Manager Account Summary Report script generates an at-a-glance
 *     report showing the performance of an entire Google Ads Manager Account.
 *     for more details.
 * @author Google Ads Scripts Team [adwords...@googlegroups.com]
 * @version 1.1
 * @changelog
 * - version 1.1
 *   - Add user-updateable fields, and ensure report row ordering.
 * - version 1.0.1
 *   - Added validation for external spreadsheet setup.
 * - version 1.0
 *   - Released initial version.

// The hour of the day at or after which to trigger the process of collating
// the Manager Account Report for yesterday's data. Set at least 3 hours into
// the day to ensure that data for yesterday is complete.
var MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * 3600 * 1000;

// The maximum number of accounts within the manager account that can be
// processed in a given day.
var MAX_ACCOUNTS_EXCEEDED_ERROR_MSG = 'There are too many accounts within ' +
    'this manager account structure for this script to be used, please ' +
    'consider alternatives for manager account reporting.';

// Take a copy from https://goo.gl/4n6ao4
  // Comment out the following line to default to the latest reporting version.
  apiVersion: 'v201809'

var DEFAULT_EMPTY_EMAIL = 'f...@example.com';

// The metrics to be pulled back from Account Report.
var QUERY_FIELDS = ['Date', 'Cost', 'Impressions', 'Clicks'];

 * The metrics to be presented in the spreadsheet report. To add additional
 * fields to the report, follow the instructions at the link in the header
 * above.
    ['Cost', 'Avg. CPC', 'CTR', 'Avg. Pos.', 'Impressions', 'Clicks'];

var reportState = null;
var spreadsheetAccess = null;

 * Main entry point for the script.
function main() {
  spreadsheetAccess = new SpreadsheetAccess(SPREADSHEET_URL, 'Report');
  // Retrieve a list of dates for which to fetch and create new rows.
  var newDates = spreadsheetAccess.getNextDates();
  // Initialise the object used to keep track of and collate report results on
  // Drive.
  reportState = new ReportState();

  var nextAccounts = reportState.getNextAccounts();
  if (nextAccounts.length) {
    var dateQueue = reportState.getDateQueue();
    if (dateQueue.length) {
              'processAccount', 'processIntermediateResults',
  } else if (reportState.getCompletedDates().length) {

 * @typedef {Object} ReportRow
 * @property {string} Date The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
 * @property {number} Cost
 * @property {number} Impressions
 * @property {number} Clicks

 * Runs the Report query via AWQL on each individual account. A list of dates
 * required are passed in from the calling manager account process. Each account
 * determines whether it is ready to request each of those dates: A sub account
 * of a manager accountcan have a different timezone to that of the manager
 * account, and therefore it is necessary to check on each account with the local timezone.
 * @param {string} dateQueueJson JSON string representing a list of dates to
 *     process, in ascending date order.
 * @return {string} Stringified Object.<ReportRow>
function processAccount(dateQueueJson) {
  var dateQueue = JSON.parse(dateQueueJson);
  // It is necessary to represent the dates for yesterday and today in local
  // format.
  var tz = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
  var today = new Date();
  var yesterday = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
  var yesterdayString = Utilities.formatDate(yesterday, tz, 'yyyyMMdd');
  var results = {};
  for (var i = 0; i < dateQueue.length; i++) {
    var nextDate = dateQueue[i];
    // Only retrieve the report if either (a) the date in question is earlier
    // than yesterday, or (b) the date in question is yesterday *and*
    // sufficient hours have passed for yesterday's results to be complete.
    if (nextDate < yesterdayString ||
        (nextDate === yesterdayString &&
         parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(today, tz, 'H')) >=
      results[nextDate] = getReportRows(nextDate);
  return JSON.stringify(results);

 * Retrieves a row from Account Performance Report for a specified date.
 * @param {string} dateString The date in the form YYYYMMDD.
 * @return {ReportRow}
function getReportRows(dateString) {
  var row = {};
  var report = AdsApp.report(
      'SELECT ' + QUERY_FIELDS.join(',') + ' ' +
          'DURING ' + dateString + ',' + dateString,
  if (report.rows().hasNext()) {
    row = report.rows().next();
  } else {
    QUERY_FIELDS.forEach(function(metric) {
      row[metric] = '0';
    row.Date = separateDateString(dateString);
  return row;

 * Callback function called on completion of executing managed accounts. Adds
 * all the returned results to the ReportState object and then stores to Drive.
 * @param {Array.<AdsManagerApp.ExecutionResult>} executionResultsList
function processIntermediateResults(executionResultsList) {
  reportState = new ReportState();
  for (var i = 0; i < executionResultsList.length; i++) {
    var executionResult = executionResultsList[i];
    var customerId = executionResult.getCustomerId();
    var error = executionResult.getError();
    if (error) {
          'Error encountered processing account ' + customerId + ': ' + error);
    } else {
      var results = JSON.parse(executionResult.getReturnValue());
      var completedDates = Object.keys(results);
      for (j = 0; j < completedDates.length; j++) {
        var completedDate = completedDates[j];
            customerId, completedDate, results[completedDate]);
  // Save changes to object on Drive.
  if (reportState.getCompletedDates().length) {

 * Writes any completed records - where statistics have been returned from all
 * managed accounts and aggregated - to the spreadsheet and optionally sends an
 * email alert.
function processFinalResults() {
  spreadsheetAccess = new SpreadsheetAccess(SPREADSHEET_URL, 'Report');
  var completedResults = reportState.getCompletedDates();
  if (completedResults.length) {
    var isSingleCurrency = reportState.isSingleCurrency();
    for (var i = 0; i < completedResults.length; i++) {
      var rows = completedResults[i].reportData;

      // Step 1: Running totals
      // For each new row, set up variables to store running totals.
      var result = {impressions: 0, clicks: 0, cost: 0, impressionPercentageSum: 0};
      for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
        // Each row of data represents a different account.
        var row = rows[j];
        // Cost, for example, requires only summing Cost across all accounts.
        result.cost += row.Cost;
        result.impressions += row.Impressions;
        result.clicks += row.Clicks;

      // Step 2: Final aggregation and presentation
      // Perform the final formatting to create a new row.
      var formattedRow = [
        // Cost is an example where if different sub-accounts have different
        // currencies, adding them together is not meaningful. The below adds
        // "N/A" for "Not Applicable" in this case.
        isSingleCurrency ? result.cost : 'N/A',
        isSingleCurrency ? (result.cost / result.clicks).toFixed(2) : 'N/A',
        // CTR is calculated from dividing total clicks by total impressions,
        // not by summing CTRs from individual accounts.
        (result.clicks * 100 / result.impressions).toFixed(2),
        result.impressions, result.clicks

    var email = spreadsheetAccess.getEmail();
    if (email) {

 * Constructs and sends email summary.
 * @param {string} email The recipient's email address.
function sendEmail(email) {
  var yesterdayRow = spreadsheetAccess.getPreviousRow(1);
  var twoDaysAgoRow = spreadsheetAccess.getPreviousRow(2);
  var weekAgoRow = spreadsheetAccess.getPreviousRow(5);

  var yesterdayColHeading = yesterdayRow ? yesterdayRow[0] : '-';
  var twoDaysAgoColHeading = twoDaysAgoRow ? twoDaysAgoRow[0] : '-';
  var weekAgoColHeading = weekAgoRow ? weekAgoRow[0] : '-';

  var html = [];
      '<html>', '<body>',
      '<table width=800 cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>', '<tr>',
      '<td colspan=2 align=right>',
      '<div style=\'font: italic normal 10pt Times New Roman, serif; ' +
          'margin: 0; color: #666; padding-right: 5px;\'>' +
          'Powered by Google Ads Scripts</div>',
      '</td>', '</tr>', '<tr bgcolor=\'#3c78d8\'>', '<td width=500>',
      '<div style=\'font: normal 18pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
          'padding: 3px 10px; color: white\'>Account Summary report</div>',
      '</td>', '<td align=right>',
      '<div style=\'font: normal 18pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
          'padding: 3px 10px; color: white\'>',
      AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(), '</h1>', '</td>', '</tr>',
      '</table>', '<table width=800 cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>',
      '<tr bgcolor=\'#ddd\'>', '<td></td>',
      '<td style=\'font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
          'padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
          'text-align: left\'>',
      yesterdayColHeading, '</td>',
      '<td style=\'font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
          'padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
          'text-align: left\'>',
      twoDaysAgoColHeading, '</td>',
      '<td style=\'font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; ' +
          'padding: 5px 0px 5x 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
          'text-align: left\'>',
      weekAgoColHeading, '</td>', '</tr>');
  for (var d = 0; d < DISPLAY_FIELDS.length; d++) {
    var fieldName = DISPLAY_FIELDS[d];
        emailRow(fieldName, d + 1, yesterdayRow, twoDaysAgoRow, weekAgoRow));
  html.push('</table>', '</body>', '</html>');
      email, 'Google Ads Account ' + AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId() +
          ' Summary Report',
      '', {htmlBody: html.join('\n')});

 * Constructs a row for embedding in the email message.
 * @param {string} title The title for the row.
 * @param {number} column The index into each ReportRow object for the value to
 *     extract.
 * @param {ReportRow} yesterdayRow Statistics from yesterday, or the most recent
 *     last day processed.
 * @param {ReportRow} twoDaysAgoRow Statistics from 2 days ago, or the 2nd most
 *     recent day processed.
 * @param {ReportRow} weekAgoRow Statistics from a week ago, or the 7th most
 *     recent day processed.
 * @return {string} HTML representing a row of statistics.
function emailRow(title, column, yesterdayRow, twoDaysAgoRow, weekAgoRow) {
  var html = [];
  var twoDaysAgoCell = '<td></td>';
  var weekAgoCell = '<td></td>';
  if (twoDaysAgoRow) {
    twoDaysAgoCell = '<td style=\'padding: 0px 10px\'>' +
        twoDaysAgoRow[column] +
        formatChangeString(yesterdayRow[column], twoDaysAgoRow[column]) +
  if (weekAgoRow) {
    weekAgoCell = '<td style=\'padding: 0px 10px\'>' + weekAgoRow[column] +
        formatChangeString(yesterdayRow[column], weekAgoRow[column]) + '</td>';
      '<tr>', '<td style=\'padding: 5px 10px\'>' + title + '</td>',
      '<td style=\'padding: 0px 10px\'>' + yesterdayRow[column] + '</td>',
      twoDaysAgoCell, weekAgoCell, '</tr>');
  return html.join('\n');

 * Formats HTML representing the change from an old to a new value in the email
 * summary.
 * @param {number} newValue
 * @param {number} oldValue
 * @return {string} HTML representing the change.
function formatChangeString(newValue, oldValue) {
  var newValueString = newValue.toString();
  var oldValueString = oldValue.toString();
  var x = newValueString.indexOf('%');
  if (x != -1) {
    newValueString = newValueString.substring(0, x);
    var y = oldValueString.indexOf('%');
    oldValueString = oldValueString.substring(0, y);

  var change = parseFloat(newValueString - oldValueString).toFixed(2);
  var changeString = change;
  if (x != -1) {
    changeString = change + '%';

  var color = 'cc0000';
  var template = '<span style=\'color: #%s; font-size: 8pt\'> (%s)</span>';
  if (change >= 0) {
    color = '38761d';
  return Utilities.formatString(template, color, changeString);

 * Convenience function fo reformat a string date from YYYYMMDD to YYYY-MM-DD.
 * @param {string} date String in form YYYYMMDD.
 * @return {string} String in form YYYY-MM-DD.
function separateDateString(date) {
  return [date.substr(0, 4), date.substr(4, 2), date.substr(6, 2)].join('-');

 * @typedef {Object} AccountData
 * @property {string} currencyCode
 * @property {Object.<ReportRow>} records Results for individual dates.

 * @typedef {Object} State
 * @property {Array.<string>} dateQueue Holds an ordered list of dates requiring
 *    report entries.
 * @property {Object.<AccountData>} accounts Holds intermediate results for each
 *    account.

 * ReportState coordinates the ordered retrieval of report data across CIDs, and
 * determines when data is ready for writing to the spreadsheet.
 * @constructor
function ReportState() {
  this.state_ = this.loadOrCreateState_();

 * Either loads an existing state representation from Drive, or if one does not
 * exist, creates a new state representation.
 * @return {State}
 * @private_
ReportState.prototype.loadOrCreateState_ = function() {
  var reportStateFiles =
  if (reportStateFiles.hasNext()) {
    var reportStateFile = reportStateFiles.next();
    if (reportStateFiles.hasNext()) {
    reportState = JSON.parse(reportStateFile.getBlob().getDataAsString());
  } else {
    reportState = this.createNewState_();
  return reportState;

 * Creates a new state representation on Drive.
 * @return {State}
 * @private
ReportState.prototype.createNewState_ = function() {
  var accountDict = {};
  var accounts = AdsManagerApp.accounts().withCondition("Impressions > 0").forDateRange("LAST_MONTH").get();
  while (accounts.hasNext()) {
    var account = accounts.next();
    accountDict[account.getCustomerId()] = {
      records: {},
      currencyCode: account.getCurrencyCode()

  var reportState = {dateQueue: [], accounts: accountDict};
      this.getFilename_(), JSON.stringify(reportState));
  return reportState;

 * Updates the state object to reflect both accounts that are added to
 * the manager account and accounts that are removed.
 * @param {State} reportState The state as loaded from Drive.
 * @private_
ReportState.prototype.updateAccountsList_ = function(reportState) {
  var accountState = reportState.accounts;
  var accounts = AdsManagerApp.accounts().get();
  var accountDict = {};
  while (accounts.hasNext()) {
    var account = accounts.next();
    var customerId = account.getCustomerId();
    accountDict[customerId] = true;
    if (!accountState.hasOwnProperty(customerId)) {
      accountState[customerId] = {
        records: {},
        currencyCode: account.getCurrencyCode()
  var forRemoval = [];
  var existingAccounts = Object.keys(accountState);
  for (var i = 0; i < existingAccounts.length; i++) {
    if (!accountDict.hasOwnProperty(existingAccounts[i])) {
  forRemoval.forEach(function(customerId) { delete accountState[customerId]; });

 * Adds dates to the state object, for which reports should be retrieved.
 * @param {Array.<string>} dateList A list of strings in the form YYYYMMDD, that
 *     are to be marked as for report retrieval by each managed account.
ReportState.prototype.addDatesToQueue = function(dateList) {
  if (dateList.length) {
    for (var i = 0; i < dateList.length; i++) {
      var dateString = dateList[i];
      if (this.state_.dateQueue.indexOf(dateString) === -1) {
    // Ensure the date queue is sorted oldest to newest.

 * Retrieve the list of dates requiring report generation.
 * @return {Array.<string>} An ordered list of strings in the form YYYYMMDD.
ReportState.prototype.getDateQueue = function() {
  return this.state_.dateQueue;

 * Removes a date from the list of dates remaining to have their reports pulled
 * and aggregated, and removes any associated saved statistics from the state
 * object also. Saves the state to Drive.
 * @param {string} dateString Date in the format YYYYMMDD.
ReportState.prototype.removeDateFromQueue = function(dateString) {
  var index = this.state_.dateQueue.indexOf(dateString);
  if (index > -1) {
    this.state_.dateQueue.splice(index, 1);
  var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
  var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts);
  for (var i = 0; i < accountKeys.length; i++) {
    var customerId = accountKeys[i];
    var records = accounts[customerId].records;
    if (records.hasOwnProperty(dateString)) {
      delete records[dateString];

 * Stores results for a given account in the state object. Does not save to
 * Drive: As this may be called ~50 times in succession for each managed
 * account, call .flush() after all calls to save only once.
 * @param {string} customerId The customerId for the results.
 * @param {string} dateString The date of the results in the form YYYYMMDD.
 * @param {ReportRow} results Statistics from Account Performance Report.
ReportState.prototype.updateAccountResult = function(
    customerId, dateString, results) {
  var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
  if (accounts.hasOwnProperty(customerId)) {
    var records = accounts[customerId].records;
    records[dateString] = results;

 * Saves the report state object to Drive.
ReportState.prototype.flush = function() {
  var reportStateFilename = this.getFilename_();
  var reportFiles =
  if (reportFiles.hasNext()) {
    var reportFile = reportFiles.next();
    if (reportFiles.hasNext()) {
  } else {

 * Retrieves the list of accounts to process next. Return accounts in an
 * ordering where those accounts with the oldest incomplete date return first.
 * @return {Array.<string>} A list of CustomerId values.
ReportState.prototype.getNextAccounts = function() {
  var nextAccounts = [];
  var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
  // Sort only to make it easier to test.
  var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts).sort();
  // dateQueue is ordered from oldest to newest
  var dates = this.state_.dateQueue;
  var i = 0;
  var j = 0;
  while (i < dates.length && nextAccounts.length < MAX_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTS) {
    var date = dates[i];
    while (j < accountKeys.length &&
           nextAccounts.length < MAX_PARALLEL_ACCOUNTS) {
      var customerId = accountKeys[j];
      var records = accounts[customerId].records;
      if (!records.hasOwnProperty(date)) {
  return nextAccounts;

 * @typedef {object} CompletedDate
 * @property {!string} dateString The date of the report data, in YYYYMMDD
 *     format.
 * @property {Array.<ReportRow>} reportData Rows of report data taken from each
 *     account within the manager account.

 * Gets a list of the dates, and associated report data in the State object for
 * which all accounts have data (and are therefore ready for aggregation and
 * writing to a Spreadsheet).
 * @return {!Array.<CompletedDate>} An array of CompletedDate objects, ordered
 *     from the oldest date to the most recent.
ReportState.prototype.getCompletedDates = function() {
  var completedDates = [];
  var dateQueue = this.state_.dateQueue;
  for (var i = 0; i < dateQueue.length; i++) {
    completedDates.push({dateString: dateQueue[i], reportData: []});
  var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
  var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts);
  for (var j = 0; j < accountKeys.length; j++) {
    var customerId = accountKeys[j];
    var records = accounts[customerId].records;
    var forRemoval = [];
    for (var k = 0; k < completedDates.length; k++) {
      var dateString = completedDates[k].dateString;
      if (records.hasOwnProperty(dateString)) {
      } else {
    forRemoval.forEach(function(index) { completedDates.splice(index, 1); });
  return completedDates;

 * Generate a filename unique to this manager account for saving the
 * intermediate data on Drive.
 * @return {string} The filename.
 * @private
ReportState.prototype.getFilename_ = function() {
  return AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId() + '-account-report.json';

 * Returns whether the accounts store in the state object all have the same
 * currency or not. This is relevant in determining whether showing an
 * aggregated cost and CTR is meaningful.
 * @return {boolean} True if only one currency is present.
ReportState.prototype.isSingleCurrency = function() {
  var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
  var accountKeys = Object.keys(accounts);
  for (var i = 1; i < accountKeys.length; i++) {
    if (accounts[accountKeys[i - 1]].currencyCode !==
        accounts[accountKeys[i]].currencyCode) {
      return false;
  return true;

 * Sets the currency code for a given account.
 * @param {string} customerId
 * @param {string} currencyCode , e.g. 'USD'
ReportState.prototype.setCurrencyCode = function(customerId, currencyCode) {
  var accounts = this.state_.accounts;
  if (accounts.hasOwnProperty(customerId)) {
    accounts[customerId].currencyCode = currencyCode;

 * Throws an exception if there are multiple files with the same name.
 * @private
ReportState.prototype.throwDuplicateFileException_ = function() {
  throw 'Multiple files named ' + this.getFileName_() + ' detected. Please ' +
      'ensure there is only one file named ' + this.getFileName_() +
      ' and try again.';

 * Throws an exception for when no file is found for the given name.
 * @private
ReportState.prototype.throwNoReportFileFoundException_ = function() {
  throw 'Could not find the file named ' + this.getFileName_() +
      ' to save the to.';

 * Class used to ease reading and writing to report spreadsheet.
 * @param {string} spreadsheetUrl
 * @param {string} sheetName The sheet name to read/write results from/to.
 * @constructor
function SpreadsheetAccess(spreadsheetUrl, sheetName) {
  // Offsets into the existing template sheet for the top left of the data.
  this.DATA_COL_ = 2;
  this.DATA_ROW_ = 6;
  this.spreadsheet_ = validateAndGetSpreadsheet(spreadsheetUrl);
  this.sheet_ = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName(sheetName);
  this.accountTz_ = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
  this.spreadsheetTz_ = this.spreadsheet_.getSpreadsheetTimeZone();

  var d = new Date();

  var s = new Date(
      Utilities.formatDate(d, this.spreadsheetTz_, 'MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm:ss'));
  this.spreadsheetOffset_ = s.getTime() - d.getTime();

 * Transforms a Date object as read from the spreadsheet into a Date object
 * which can be used to obtain the same Year, Month, Day, Hours values as would
 * be displayed in the spreadsheet.
 * @param {Date} date
 * @return {Date} A date object shifted by the difference in timezones.
 * @private
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.localDateToSpreadsheetDate_ = function(date) {
  var spreadsheetSecs = date.getTime() - this.spreadsheetOffset_;
  return new Date(spreadsheetSecs);

 * Retrieves a list of dates for which Account Report data is required. This is
 * based on the last entry in the spreadsheet. If the last entry value is empty
 * then yesterday is used, otherwise, all dates between the last entry and
 * yesterday are used, except those for which data is already in the Sheet.
 * @return {Array.<string>} List of dates in YYYYMMDD format.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.getNextDates = function() {
  var nextDates = [];
  var y = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - MILLIS_PER_DAY);
  var yesterday = Utilities.formatDate(y, this.accountTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
  var lastCheck = this.spreadsheet_.getRangeByName('last_check').getValue();

  if (lastCheck.length === 0) {
    nextDates = [yesterday];
  } else {
    var lastCheckDate =
        Utilities.formatDate(lastCheck, this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
    while (lastCheckDate !== yesterday) {
      lastCheck.setTime(lastCheck.getTime() + MILLIS_PER_DAY);
      lastCheckDate =
          Utilities.formatDate(lastCheck, this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');

  var sheet = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName('Report');
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var existingDates = {};
  data.slice(5).forEach(function(row) {
    var existingDate =
        Utilities.formatDate(row[1], this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyyMMdd');
    existingDates[existingDate] = true;
  return nextDates.filter(function(d) {
    return !existingDates[d];

 * Updates the spreadsheet to set the date for the last saved report data.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.setDateComplete = function() {
  var sheet = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName('Report');
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  if (data.length > 5) {
    var lastDate = data[data.length - 1][1];

 * Writes the next row of report data to the spreadsheet.
 * @param {Array.<*>} row An array of report values
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.writeNextEntry = function(row) {
  var lastRow = this.sheet_.getDataRange().getLastRow();
  if (lastRow + 1 > this.sheet_.getMaxRows()) {
  this.sheet_.getRange(lastRow + 1, this.DATA_COL_, 1, row.length).setValues([

 * Retrieves the values for a previously written row
 * @param {number} daysAgo The reversed index of the required row, e.g. 1 is the
 *     last written row, 2 is the one before that etc.
 * @return {Array.<*>} The array data, or null if the index goes out of bounds.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.getPreviousRow = function(daysAgo) {
  var index = this.sheet_.getDataRange().getLastRow() - daysAgo + 1;
  if (index < this.DATA_ROW_) {
    return null;
  var numColumns = DISPLAY_FIELDS.length;
  var row = this.sheet_.getRange(index, this.DATA_COL_, 1, numColumns + 1)
  row[0] = Utilities.formatDate(row[0], this.spreadsheetTz_, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
  return row;

 * Retrieves the email address set in the spreadsheet.
 * @return {string}
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.getEmail = function() {
  return this.spreadsheet_.getRangeByName('email').getValue();

 * Sorts the data in the spreadsheet into ascending date order.
SpreadsheetAccess.prototype.sortReportRows = function() {
  var sheet = this.spreadsheet_.getSheetByName('Report');

  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var reportRows = data.slice(5);
  if (reportRows.length) {
    reportRows.sort(function(rowA, rowB) {
      if (!rowA || !rowA.length) {
        return -1;
      } else if (!rowB || !rowB.length) {
        return 1;
      } else if (rowA[1] < rowB[1]) {
        return -1;
      } else if (rowA[1] > rowB[1]) {
        return 1;
      return 0;
    sheet.getRange(6, 1, reportRows.length, reportRows[0].length)

 * Validates the parameters related to the data retrieval to make sure
 * they are within valid values.
 * @throws {Error} If the new day trigger hour is less than 3 or
 * greater than or equal to 24
function validateParameters() {
    throw new Error('Please set the new day trigger hour at least 3 hours' +
      ' into the day and less than 24 hours after the start of the day');

 * Validates the provided spreadsheet URL and email address
 * to make sure that they're set up properly. Throws a descriptive error message
 * if validation fails.
 * @param {string} spreadsheeturl The URL of the spreadsheet to open.
 * @return {Spreadsheet} The spreadsheet object itself, fetched from the URL.
 * @throws {Error} If the spreadsheet URL or email hasn't been set
function validateAndGetSpreadsheet(spreadsheeturl) {
    throw new Error('Please specify a valid Spreadsheet URL. You can find' +
        ' a link to a template in the associated guide for this script.');
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheeturl);
  var email = spreadsheet.getRangeByName('email').getValue();
  if (email == DEFAULT_EMPTY_EMAIL) {
    throw new Error('Please either set a custom email address in the' +
        ' spreadsheet, or set the email field in the spreadsheet to blank' +
        ' to send no email.');
  return spreadsheet;

On Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 7:32:05 PM UTC-4, Divya Mahbubani wrote:
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