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Copy files from a drive link in GSheet to Folder in My Drive

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Mohamed Samy

May 13, 2024, 8:37:54 AM5/13/24
to Google Apps Script Community
I have a Drive Link in a cell in GSheet, this drive link contains some files,
I want to copy these files and move them in a folder in my drive ( the link folder in Google sheet also)

I tried to do this in several ways, but I encountered several problems, including:
1 - Not all files are transferred to my drive, only one file is transferred
2 - When I write the id in the code, it works, and when I do not put it in the code, and based on extracting it from the cells, it does not work

Does anyone find a solution to this problem?
Thank you very much

Ed Robinson

May 14, 2024, 8:51:32 AM5/14/24
to Google Apps Script Community
Hi Mohamed,
The good news is: from your description, it sounds like there should be a solution to your problem.

Can you help people understand a little more about your application?
- Are you putting a link to a Google Drive folder (a hyperlink to the Folder) into the spreadsheet cell?
- Are you copying from one Google Drive folder to another Google Drive folder? (or are the files on a computer)
- What code are you using to copy the files?

Mohamed Samy

May 17, 2024, 8:31:39 AM5/17/24
Hi Ed,
Good day for you,
I hope finds you well,
I already solved my problem and I want to thank you for your interest in this issue, and i'm excited to be with you in this community.

Best regards,
Mohamed Samy

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