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Apr 30, 2024, 11:07:45 PM4/30/24
to Google Apps Script Community
Hello everyone, I'm trying to automate the creation of events in the calendar based on information I have in Google Sheets. In the spreadsheet, I have the date, start time, and end time in separate cells. How can I make AppScript detect these cells separately to establish the start and end time of the event?Captura de pantalla 2024-04-30 181956.png

George Ghanem

Apr 30, 2024, 11:47:11 PM4/30/24
Create a trigger and trigger it to run your function when the spreadsheet is edited. Then you can have your trigger function look at what changed and determine if you want to create or delete the calendar event.

This would need to be an installable trigger and not a simple trigger as you are invoking functions outside the spreadsheet.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2024, 8:07 p.m. JUAN PERINI <> wrote:
Hello everyone, I'm trying to automate the creation of events in the calendar based on information I have in Google Sheets. In the spreadsheet, I have the date, start time, and end time in separate cells. How can I make AppScript detect these cells separately to establish the start and end time of the event?Captura de pantalla 2024-04-30 181956.png

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Michael O'Shaughnessy

May 4, 2024, 9:28:57 PM5/4/24
Not an exact answer to your question HOWEVER, this is a spreadsheet that I use to be able to add events to a calendar.  I use it to track my daily work and then run the "Add Events".  This is a lot easier than manually entering an event on a calendar.  Also, using the spreadsheet I can do easy things like track a 15 minute phone call or 25 minutes of work on code for a customer.  I also use hashtags and another calendar solution to track each "project".

Make a copy and have a look at the code.  Pretty straightforward.  Any questions do not hesitate to ask!

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