Re: [Apps-Script] How can I use the current date to create a "7 days ago" variable?

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Jorge Forero

Jun 18, 2020, 12:58:33 PM6/18/20


You could try this function, that I developed:

* getDateNDaysBefore
* Get the date of nDays before endDate
* @param {date object} endDate - end date of calculation
* @param {number} nDays - Days numbers to subtract to endDate
* @return {date object} Date of nDays before endDate
function getDateNDaysBefore(endDate, nDays) {
  var daysBefore = endDate - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * nDays;
  var StartDate = new Date(daysBefore);
  return StartDate;


On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 10:38 AM Vincent Adipietro <> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I used var currentDate = new Date(); to get the "current date". I now want to use the current date var to create a "7 days ago" variable.

For example, the current date is 6/18/2020. 7 days ago would be 6/11/2020. I want the variable to do this automatically.

I tried looking this up and there wasn't a clear answer as to how to do this. Does anyone know?

My date is formatted as "MM/dd/yyyy".

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Jorge Forero

Jun 18, 2020, 1:39:03 PM6/18/20

That is one form to do it... And I think it works...
I prefer the following:

dateToSend = getDateNDaysBefore(new Date(), 7);

and now you can send the dateToSend variable.

Greetings, Jorge.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 12:18 PM Vincent Adipietro <> wrote:
Hi Jorge,

Would it be:

var currentDate = new Date();
var nDays = 7;
var daysBefore = currentDate - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * nDays;
var StartDate = new Date(daysBefore);

And now I can pass StartDate into an API call by using that variable, which is the 7 days ago variable?
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Jorge Forero

Jun 18, 2020, 2:04:58 PM6/18/20

>> Do you know how I can make the function you gave me universal? Bc I will be using the dateToSend variable in many different functions.

When you say: "universal",  what does that mean?    You could include the function as part of a Library, include the library in your code and call the function where you need it.  Here is the documentation about libraries:

or include the function as part of the script, get the value in the variable as global or pass it as a parameter in the different functions you have...


On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 12:49 PM Vincent Adipietro <> wrote:
Oh I see - disregard my last message. I have to call the function to be able to use this part. And it'll make it quicker I bet.

Do you know how I can make the function you gave me universal? Bc I will be using the dateToSend variable in many different functions.
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