Hiding a sheet from some editors (Google Sheets)

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Алекс Фриман

Jul 2, 2020, 11:34:23 AM7/2/20
to Google Apps Script Community

Question about Google Sheets. There is a table that is edited by several editors (given access to specific users). Is it possible to make one of the sheets visible only to some users (editors) (using a script or manually)?

If not, is it possible to make the script move to another sheet when it goes to such a sheet? I tried to do it via onselectionchanged(e), but for some reason when it is executed, the transition to other sheets does not work.

Jchome tex

Jul 17, 2023, 8:44:11 AM7/17/23
to Google Apps Script Community
Please provide google App Script for this process, 

I wanna hide google sheet from diff. another editor users 
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