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Link Checker - Single Account script

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Antoine Paulet

Nov 19, 2020, 1:57:41 PM11/19/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Hi there,

Here is our goal: finding all error pages and out of stock product pages.
Therefore we implemented that script (Link Checker - Single Account) which seemed the perfect solution.

The results for the 404/410/... provided on the spreadsheet were fine.

The issue came from the out of stock pages.
In the spreadsheet, options tab, we changed to Yes the "Use simplge failure string matching" cell. We also included "Out of stock" (same as we can see in the website pages when a product is out of stock) just under the "failure strings" cell.
Then on the results tab, we saw that some urls were rightly flagged as on the pages we could see "out of stock".
However we found also some product pages where products were still in stock and also some category pages (pages with no products) like the must have page, the sale page, etc. 

Could you help us with that issue? How can we modify the script so that it is only flagging the out of stock product pages?



Clark Lind

Nov 20, 2020, 8:40:34 AM11/20/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Hello Antoine, 
I tried that developer link, but it is not working for some reason. I did find an archived copy from April 2020 on (for anyone else who wants to help).

I did look at the script and am unfamiliar with Google Ads, but I can see what the script is doing. I would try playing around with how you enter your failure strings on the sheet. 
For example, try Out of stock and "Out of stock"  or just  Out of or just stock, etc etc.  

Also,  it looks like it is grabbing the html body text. So if you have any html comment, keywords, metadata etc within the <body></body> of the page, it may be giving you a false positive.

Sorry I am not directly experienced with this Google product, but hopefully that gives you some ideas. I would also experiment and put a keyword on a page somewhere (same font color as background so it is not visible), and see if the script finds it. If you have a large site with many urls, then this may not be feasible.

Nov 20, 2020, 9:48:00 AM11/20/20
to Google Apps Script Community


I will try different variations of out of stock.

Thanks for the help,
Have a good day,
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