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Trend on Stack Overflow concerning the number of members answering and asking questions

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Alan Wells

Jan 15, 2020, 10:22:16 AM1/15/20
to Google Apps Script Community
My comment about the data showing growth in Apps Script questions on Stack Overflow, but the lack of growth in people answering Apps Script questions on Stack Overflow.  This is in response to the news on the Apps Script Pulse site, and the post by Kanshi Tanaike.  Link provided at bottom.

I'm assuming that more and more people are using Apps Script.  If that's so, then I'm glad that more and more people are using Apps Script.  And the reason I'm glad for that, is because I want people to have access to low or no cost computing resources to help them. 

From personal observation, it seems that there are increasing amounts of "off-topic" and basic questions in Stack Overflow.  Over the long term, those who are answering the questions, may eventually become less and less interested in answering questions.  What will happen in the future because of the disparity between people asking and people answering Apps Script questions?  Stack Overflow doesn't want to become stagnant.  In order to attract more members, Stack Overflow has encouraged being nice to new members. That implies that there is a problem with new members having a bad experience.

What will happen in the future because of this huge divergence between those wanting their questions answered, and those willing and able to answer Apps Script questions?  If Stack Overflow can keep paying to keep the site working, and keep the employees paid, then maybe this could go on indefinitely.  If a better source of Apps Script help and information comes along, the better alternative could disrupt the growth of Stack Overflow.

Even if the people willing to answer Apps Script questions fell to zero tomorrow, there would still be thousands of answered questions on Stack Overflow.  But, Stack Overflow wants growth, not stagnation or decline.  So, long term, the stagnation trend of people willing to answer Apps Script questions is a problem.  Obviously there is a problem attracting people to answer Apps Script questions.

Clay Smith

Jan 15, 2020, 11:56:25 AM1/15/20
to Google Apps Script Community
One factor I have found with answering and asking questions on Stackoverflow is a bullying affect. I rely more on this group for questions and answers. When I have previously posted on Stackoverflow question and answers I have received negative unhelpful responses including some bullying and harassment for not forming the question or answer properly. This is partly due to a lack of knowledge. I wonder if this could be a factor in the the rise of unanswered questions as well. great analysis and I may go ahead and see if I can help answer some in the near future. 

Andrew Roberts

Jan 15, 2020, 2:02:01 PM1/15/20
I think we are definitely a friendlier bunch here on the GGroup - but then we don't have to cope with the number of users the SO does.

I've also found SO a bit intimidating and remember I had to abandon my first account because of the down-voting I was getting as my questions weren't asked in the "right" way. But as I've said this is understandable with the level of traffic.

It would be interesting to know if people find they have a better chance of getting answers here or on SO. I guess it depends on where Alan is hanging out at the time :)

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Alan Wells

Jan 15, 2020, 4:27:47 PM1/15/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I had some negative experiences when I was first a new member on Stack Overflow, both asking and answering questions.  I decided to not let that stop me.  Answering questions does something positive.  It's better to do something positive than something negative.

It's easier to search for answers on Stack Overflow.  If I search Google, I'll get links to Stack Overflow.  I don't know if I ever get a link to an answered question on this group.  So, for the issue of finding answers, Stack Overflow returns search results quite well.  It would be very difficult to compete with Stack Overflow on the same level.

I had worked my way up to the 3rd all time top answerer on Stack Overflow for the Apps Script category, but I'm now 4th, as Tanaike has blown by me.  :)  I'm glad to see new people providing so many answers.

There could be various reasons motivating someone to answer questions.  Without the people answering the questions and providing information and code, there would be no group.

The data about more people asking Apps Script questions on Stack Overflow, but not many more people answering questions is interesting to me from the point of view of how usage, support and opportunities are going to adapt and evolve around Apps Script.

On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2:02:01 PM UTC-5, andrew wrote:
I think we are definitely a friendlier bunch here on the GGroup - but then we don't have to cope with the number of users the SO does.

I've also found SO a bit intimidating and remember I had to abandon my first account because of the down-voting I was getting as my questions weren't asked in the "right" way. But as I've said this is understandable with the level of traffic.

It would be interesting to know if people find they have a better chance of getting answers here or on SO. I guess it depends on where Alan is hanging out at the time :)

On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 16:56, Clay Smith wrote:
One factor I have found with answering and asking questions on Stackoverflow is a bullying affect. I rely more on this group for questions and answers. When I have previously posted on Stackoverflow question and answers I have received negative unhelpful responses including some bullying and harassment for not forming the question or answer properly. This is partly due to a lack of knowledge. I wonder if this could be a factor in the the rise of unanswered questions as well. great analysis and I may go ahead and see if I can help answer some in the near future. 

On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 10:22:16 AM UTC-5, aj.addons wrote:
My comment about the data showing growth in Apps Script questions on Stack Overflow, but the lack of growth in people answering Apps Script questions on Stack Overflow.  This is in response to the news on the Apps Script Pulse site, and the post by Kanshi Tanaike.  Link provided at bottom.

I'm assuming that more and more people are using Apps Script.  If that's so, then I'm glad that more and more people are using Apps Script.  And the reason I'm glad for that, is because I want people to have access to low or no cost computing resources to help them. 

From personal observation, it seems that there are increasing amounts of "off-topic" and basic questions in Stack Overflow.  Over the long term, those who are answering the questions, may eventually become less and less interested in answering questions.  What will happen in the future because of the disparity between people asking and people answering Apps Script questions?  Stack Overflow doesn't want to become stagnant.  In order to attract more members, Stack Overflow has encouraged being nice to new members. That implies that there is a problem with new members having a bad experience.

What will happen in the future because of this huge divergence between those wanting their questions answered, and those willing and able to answer Apps Script questions?  If Stack Overflow can keep paying to keep the site working, and keep the employees paid, then maybe this could go on indefinitely.  If a better source of Apps Script help and information comes along, the better alternative could disrupt the growth of Stack Overflow.

Even if the people willing to answer Apps Script questions fell to zero tomorrow, there would still be thousands of answered questions on Stack Overflow.  But, Stack Overflow wants growth, not stagnation or decline.  So, long term, the stagnation trend of people willing to answer Apps Script questions is a problem.  Obviously there is a problem attracting people to answer Apps Script questions.

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Andrew Roberts

Jan 16, 2020, 3:40:01 AM1/16/20
I've just managed to sneak onto the bottom of the "All Time" list! 🎉😀

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Dimu Designs

Jan 16, 2020, 7:11:37 AM1/16/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I'm at the very bottom of the all time answerers' list as well...
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