How and Where I see custom headers in gmail

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Mar 23, 2020, 10:39:55 AM3/23/20
to Google Apps Script Community
In guiste, advanced setting for gmail, exist possibility to setup rules for gmail

in  the content compliance rules you can add custom headers and something come before the object 

I setup both

So you can edit all the mails and in a successive phase
intercept them when they arrive and accept or refuse them or send to another place,
there ae lot of options

Since is not working, at the moment i wanted to check if the custom header exist in these mails,
since is not really possible do something wrong in this phase,
insetad easly you do something wrong in the second phase,
where you need to write the reg expr, etc..

So in order to check presence of these custom headers
I go in show original source code of the mail
but neither the string before the object nor something like the custom header exist

I see nothing different by the mails I had before setup this things

I copy link where there is example - phase one creating a sending rule

So, where I chekc existence of these custom headers?
Is it possbile this need time, like sort of lot fo hours ot work?
Wh don't work?


Mar 23, 2020, 4:05:15 PM3/23/20
to Google Apps Script Community

I solved, the guide of google is wrong, you can't do it follow these istructions, really there are 2 errors, not only one, bt never mnd,
in time of covid-19 this is not really main problem we have,
I setup to find a white space (they say to setup nothing) so i was ablte to ceate this damn
header that in fact you see in the source code

thanks for patience

it's a bit i dont' come here,
i hope everyone is fine

stay stong, we in italy in red zones,
after 1 month of bath of blood finally in the last 2 days
we have less died people of yesterday

it's question to wait good season and stay home,
do a good smart working and everything is gonna be al right

Alan Wells

Mar 23, 2020, 4:17:05 PM3/23/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Glad that you got it solved, and that you're still using Apps Script.  It's good to get news from you, and know something about your situation.
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