Sure, but I believe the root of the problem is simply having to enable edit or read privileges on any data being pulled from sheets and forms saving to sheets.
Here is an example of the main/ home view on one of the apps.
I'm not showing everything in the following pics for HIPAA reasons. I don't want to take the time to replace the data and I don't think it'll matter in getting the point across, I hope.
Anyway, what you see above is the home view of a standalone-app. In the image, to the left, you'll see some percentages being fed from other sheets in real time. The boxes you see have multiple options for entries and logs to previous entries. The entire thing works mostly within a single page, with views being rendered instead of pages for most of the options.
A form...
When "New Entry" is clicked, forms appear to the right of the data and returns to the original view when completed. And if you are asking, why in this particular form are you having a users confirm information available in the data to the left? - It's because the Behavior Analyst Certification Board says we have to. Which is why I built this thing to automate and gather all the data they need in one place to maximize workflow.
Also, the rest of the forms have sensitive data propagating within the fields and I don't think showing them will make any sort of difference in the direction I must take.
I hope this enough. The app works, the forms work, I just don't want to assign edit privileges to the sheets acting as the database. This means every technician and therapist with a gsuite can see data from others as well.
The scripts must remain complaint by allowing access to only domain users, both g suite and cloud IDs.
I was hoping there would be a service via the console and API to make the app and all the sheets binding open to a domian user or organizational unit.