Convert Excel VBA to Google Script

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Katie Puran

Mar 12, 2020, 4:17:15 PM3/12/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Hi Expert, I have an Excel VBA and need to convert to google script. Can you anyone help please? Thank you!

Here is my Excel VBA code:

Function fnConvert2HTML(myCell As Range) As String
    Dim bldTagOn, itlTagOn, ulnTagOn, colTagOn As Boolean
    Dim i, chrCount As Integer
    Dim chrCol, chrLastCol, htmlTxt As String
    bldTagOn = False
    itlTagOn = False
    ulnTagOn = False
    colTagOn = False
    chrCol = "NONE"
    htmlTxt = "<td>"
    chrCount = myCell.Characters.Count
    For i = 1 To chrCount
        With myCell.Characters(i, 1)
            If (.Font.Color) Then
                chrCol = fnGetCol(.Font.Color)
                If Not colTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<font color=#" & chrCol & ">"
                    colTagOn = True
                    If chrCol <> chrLastCol Then htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</font><font color=#" & chrCol & ">"
                End If
                chrCol = "NONE"
                If colTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</font>"
                    colTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            chrLastCol = chrCol
            If .Font.Bold = True Then
                If Not bldTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<b>"
                    bldTagOn = True
                End If
                If bldTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</b>"
                    bldTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            If .Font.Italic = True Then
                If Not itlTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<i>"
                    itlTagOn = True
                End If
                If itlTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</i>"
                    itlTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            If .Font.Underline > 0 Then
                If Not ulnTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<u>"
                    ulnTagOn = True
                End If
                If ulnTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</u>"
                    ulnTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            If (Asc(.Text) = 10) Then
                htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<br>"
                htmlTxt = htmlTxt & .Text
            End If
        End With
    If colTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</font>"
        colTagOn = False
    End If
    If bldTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</b>"
        bldTagOn = False
    End If
    If itlTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</i>"
        itlTagOn = False
    End If
    If ulnTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</u>"
        ulnTagOn = False
    End If
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</td>"
    fnConvert2HTML = htmlTxt
End Function

Andrew Apell

Mar 13, 2020, 8:54:43 AM3/13/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I did this 3 years ago. This is where I looked for help:

Maybe the rest can give you more tailored guidance but the above resource will be your dictionary going forward.
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