Html content in Google Slide

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Sona Harutyunyan

May 24, 2019, 9:13:57 AM5/24/19
to Google Apps Script Community

I am trying to develop an add-on, which basically should run/open a web app in Google Slide. Couldn't find solution neither in documentations nor in Stack Overflow.

Possible Solutions can be:
1. Open web app in iframe Google Slide (couldn't find how to do this, if it's possible)
2. Show html fetched from web app URL in the presentation (could find functions for sidebar, dialog, but not for presentation)

Is this something that can be accomplished with Google Slide add-on? If yes, where should I look for the solution?

Martin Hawksey

May 28, 2019, 11:19:00 AM5/28/19
Hi Sona,

In presentation mode you are very limited. When you hit present the content is mostly turned into static images (some exceptions for YouTube videos). 

You could pull html to update a slide but the constructor for slides is based around shapes and objects so would be challenging to reconstruct. 

You could maybe use a headless browser service to convert a webpage into an image which you could insert into the slide (here is a Quora thread on the best screenshot API ). 

Hope that helps

Sona Harutyunyan

May 28, 2019, 2:03:47 PM5/28/19
to Google Apps Script Community
Thank you Martin for your reply, that helped a lot.
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