Google Scripts External JSON API help needed

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Ami A

Feb 29, 2020, 3:41:05 PM2/29/20
to Google Apps Script Community

I am new to javascript coding.

 I have been using the plain google script app. A week or so ago, everything was working; I could get my external JSON from an external API and download it into my sheets. Now I can't get jack to work, I am confused and frustrated.

Does anyone have an updated Google Sheet example/template I can have, so I can get my data into columns?  The samples that I have tried, which worked in the past are not working either. Here is the general data I want to insert:, and here is the data I feel is correct that goes at the top of the script:

After this point, I can not get anything to work properly. I get errors in the loops or errors inserting. I have two different scripts this has happened to, both simple.

Specifically with this script I am wanting to make two sheets:

Sheet 1 Column A = crimes Column B = success Column C = crime_name Column D = respect_earned Column E = money_earned Column F = all participants in the same cell

Sheet 2 Column A = participant Column B = crimes Column B = success Column D = crime_name

thank you in advance for any help -- my brain is going to explode


Feb 29, 2020, 11:13:13 PM2/29/20
to Google Apps Script Community

Share a sample for debug.

Best, Alex.

Andrew Roberts

Mar 1, 2020, 1:30:58 PM3/1/20
This library might be helpful:

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