List of GAS files bound to a file

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Clay Smith

Jan 23, 2020, 9:56:34 PM1/23/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I'm working on code to distribute app script functions to a number of spreadsheets. Is there a way to retrieve the associated scriptIds from a spreadsheet with App Script? I can create a script on a sheet and record the sheet id and the scriptid for later updates. but i'm wondering if there's something already in place and more elegant. 


Jan 23, 2020, 10:14:42 PM1/23/20
to Google Apps Script Community
I also want to solve this problem.

My last idea was to check list of last triggers and getting ids of containers from there. But it's not working.

Best, Alex.

Clay Smith

Jan 23, 2020, 10:54:56 PM1/23/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Thanks for the issue Id. i just stared. I was thinking "How could this not be a feature?" I've been able to track is I create by deploying to a sheet but not by using the bound file ID. I'm wondering it the script file is in the Blob somewhere and could be extracted some how...?
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