I'm the owner of the project but don't have permissions to view the logs

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Juan Manuel Zuluaga Henao

Dec 16, 2019, 11:21:13 AM12/16/19
to Google Apps Script Community
I'm having a bit of a trouble with my apps script project.
I execute a function from the editor and it says I (the owner of the project) don't have permissions to view the logs and must ask for them.
I googled a bit and found the GCP IAM permissions for logging in Stackdriver BUT my project isn't linked to any GCP project.
What can I do to review this permissions or change them if my project isn't linked to a GCP project?

Alan Wells

Dec 16, 2019, 2:48:22 PM12/16/19
to Google Apps Script Community
You can view StackDriver logs from console.log() without creating a GCP project and associating the GCP project with the Apps Script project.  You must look at your Apps Script executions, and expand the row for the execution that you want to see the logs for.  From the code editor, choose View -> Executions.
I don't think that you can use console.error() without an associated GCP project, but I might be wrong about that.

On Monday, December 16, 2019 Juan Manuel Zuluaga Henao wrote:
My project isn't linked to any GCP project.

Juan Manuel Zuluaga Henao

Dec 16, 2019, 3:11:31 PM12/16/19
to Google Apps Script Community

Sorry, I think I'm not being clear enough. Here's an image of the message i'm getting when trying to see the logs. 

Let me remind you the account from where i'm trying to access the logs IS THE OWNER OF THE APPS SCRIPT PROJECT.


Yes, you can use console.erorr() even when the apps script project is not linked to a GCP project.
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