Gassypedia – October 2024 update

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Bruce Mcpherson

Oct 7, 2024, 5:22:37 AMOct 7
to Google Apps Script Community

Time for an occassional update on the shared bigquery dataset all about the  Apps Script ecosystem on Github, with reports available on looker. For details of how it all works see Gassypedia – public Google Apps Script on Github.

Bear in mind that we are just looking at Apps  Script repos shared publicly on Github. I have no way of kowing if this summary is representative of what people are up to with Apps Script, or if the welcome increased activity (7% since the last report 2 months or so ago) we’re starting see over the past 6 months is due to more usage or just more github usage.

The data is a publicly available dataset on bigquery. You can use it to do your own queries and research.

The looker report not only contains details of trends, activity and usage but also direct links to every known public Apps Script developer (3071), repository (5888) and project (8301) where you can checkout the code, get examples or use the Github issues to comment.

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