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Update a resource calendar email address to fix it? Can't see any events

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Susan McClure

Mar 12, 2019, 11:27:40 AM3/12/19
to GAM for G Suite
I converted a bunch of resource calendars, for a building, to the structured format.
Somehow, I have 1 calendar that is messed up.

The calendarID still matches what it was before the update.
But, the calendar email address does NOT match the original resource calendar.

Looking at the calendar, I and other users cannot see any events, previous or future.

- If I fix the email address, will we see all the events?

- How can I change the email address?  I don't see an option to update, it is supposed to be read only.

- Is there anyway to recover this resource calendar??  I do have the old .csv output.  Should I just upload the old record for the calendar again?

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