As noted in Title, This is "OFF TOPIC" and I know it is not GAM related, but am hoping my fellow GAM users who also use GSDS (or have in the past) can help me out with this one.
Google support ultimately said that they cant help me with this, nor (apparently) can PowerSchool.
So Here goes.....
I am currently using Google Apps School Directory Sync, and it is working fine for us, other than a few profiles that are not syncing correctly.
I was advised by Google Support to Update to latest version of the software and set it up and try again to see if problems are resolved.
However, the new Google Schools Directory Sync Version 3.1.20, is totally different than the old version I am using.
Even though right now I do not want to do any sort of Google Classroom Syncing, this version requires it. However, I cannot figure out what is actually needed for the classes.csv file and the courses.csv file.
I am exporting data from our Student Information System (SIS) which is PowerSchool.
However, I cannot find any clear documentation as to what the difference between courses and classes are for these csv files.
For example, from power school, I have found where I can export student schedules that show: Course Code, Period, Section, Room, Title
The thing is, I do not know how this correlates to the requested courses.csv and classes.csv.... Especially since the documentation I found for these CSV files is very vague (presumably intentionally so).
If anyone has any idea what I need to use for these, and how it correlates to the Data from PowerSchool, I would greatly appreciate the help.
NOTE: I did put "dummy" information into the classes.csv, Courses.csv, enrollments.csv files, and can confirm that GSDS works (albeit very slow since all our google classrooms were manually created and thus it throws all kinds of errors for those(. I have it setup to only sync the classrooms I specify and specified a "fake" classroom I setup, and it is setup to NOT delete or archive any other classroom. Honestly, I don't plan on actually syncing classroom stuff until this summer, but I would like to know now how this is supposed to be setup correctly. I just don't like not knowing how to do something ;-)