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Re: [GAM] OU Issues with Delegates

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Jay Lee

Sep 20, 2012, 9:48:07 AM9/20/12
Hi Nathan,

  Try running:

gam print orgs

to see all of your OUs. When specifying OUs in GAM commands, name them like they are printed out there (but placing them in quotes). It should probably be something like:

gam ou "Kids OU/6th Grade OU" delegate to tea...@school.domain


Jay Lee
LCS Deployment Lead   |  ⚡ Dito

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Nathan B. <> wrote:
We're running Google Apps for Education and setting up our kids with e-mail accounts (locked down so they can only e-mail certain domains).  Right now I have a teacher I would like to delegate access to every student's account.  The way I have our kids organized is like this:
<Main Domain OU>
<Kids OU>
<6th Grade OU>
<7th Grade OU>
... etc.
What I wanted to do is delegate the teacher's access to the whole <Kids OU> like this:

gam ou "Kids OU" delegate to tea...@school.domain
This didn't work, so I tried to delegate to the individual OUs that the kids are in (like "6th Grade OU") as so:
gam ou "6th Grade OU" delegate to tea...@school.domain

Again, this didn't work either.  The output I receive is like this: 
Getting all users of 6thGrade Organizational Unit (May take some time for large
OUs)...Error: 1301 - Entity orgUserOrgUnit Does Not Exist
(As you can see here I removed the spaces to try to see if that would help...  This OU has users in it.  Directly in it too - not within another OU inside of this one.

Where am I messing up?  I have a feeling it's probably something small - or this is a known issue that i don't know about...

Thanks for your help- 

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