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Trouble setting up audit key and getting deleted emails

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Jeffrey Moll

Feb 12, 2014, 3:36:08 AM2/12/14

I have successfully setup Dito GAM. I can use the info and some of the audit commands. I am trying to upload the CPG key I successfully generated a key using these instructions;
gpg --gen-key --expert

you will be prompted for the kind of key you want, choose "RSA and RSA (default)".

Next you'll be prompted for the keysize. This determines how strong the encryption is. If you're not paranoid about security, I suggest choosing a smaller key size as bigger keys will take longer to encrypt/decrypt your data thus greatly slowing down the process (especially for large exports), 1024 should be fine in most cases.

Next you'll be prompted for how long the key should be valid. Specify 0 so that the key does not expire.

Next you'll be prompted for your name, email address and a comment. Remember the name you enter, you'll need it for the next step. Google doesn't really use this information so feel free to make something up if you want.

Finally, you'll be prompted for a passphrase, you'll need this passphrase in order to decrypt activity logs and exports so make sure you remember what it is!

When I use "gam audit upload key" the terminal app stops responding to input.

When I quit and re-start terminal and try to use gpg --export --armor -a "Your Name" | \path\to\gam\gam audit upload key (where this is \user\homefolder\gam\gam audit  upload key)  home folder is where the program resided.

when I try to then use the audit export command to try and retrieve deleted emails nothing happens. 

PLEASE HELP!! and thanks for your prompt reply

Jamie Stevens

May 15, 2015, 6:22:47 AM5/15/15

Did you ever find a fix for your issues?

I'm also in the same boat as you

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