GAM - Transfer Ownership of Recurring Event

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May 26, 2020, 2:18:30 PM5/26/20
to GAM for G Suite
Hi GAM Experts,

I'm trying to transfer an abandoned Calendar Event from one user to another. Through searching these forums I found:

gam calendar move event id sald23jdiosa21o3j to 

This command works perfectly and will transfer the ownership of the event. However, when I try to do the same thing with a recurring event the command fails with the error message:

Move Failed: Cannot change the organizer of an instance.

I tried to edit the original command by adding recurring event id

gam calendar move recurring event id sald23jdiosa21o3j to
However, it still fails. Am I missing something here, or are recurring events not transferable? 


Ross Scroggs

May 26, 2020, 4:11:45 PM5/26/20

Yes, recurring events are transferable;your original command is correct:
gam calendar move event id sald23jdiosa21o3j to 
What the error message is telling you is that the event id you gave was that of one of the instances of the event, not the id of the master event.

How did you get the event id?

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May 26, 2020, 6:19:03 PM5/26/20
to GAM for G Suite
Hi Ross,

I used the calendar debugging URL:

Sorry, that event ID I provided is just random text. How do I get the master event ID? 


On Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 2:11:45 PM UTC-6, Ross Scroggs wrote:

Yes, recurring events are transferable;your original command is correct:
gam calendar move event id sald23jdiosa21o3j to 
What the error message is telling you is that the event id you gave was that of one of the instances of the event, not the id of the master event.

How did you get the event id?

On May 26, 2020, at 11:18 AM, Mason <> wrote:

Hi GAM Experts,

I'm trying to transfer an abandoned Calendar Event from one user to another. Through searching these forums I found:

gam calendar move event id sald23jdiosa21o3j to 

This command works perfectly and will transfer the ownership of the event. However, when I try to do the same thing with a recurring event the command fails with the error message:

Move Failed: Cannot change the organizer of an instance.

I tried to edit the original command by adding recurring event id

gam calendar move recurring event id sald23jdiosa21o3j to
However, it still fails. Am I missing something here, or are recurring events not transferable? 


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Ross Scroggs

May 26, 2020, 6:32:29 PM5/26/20

gam calendar user@example show events matchfield summary "Put Event Summary Here"


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May 27, 2020, 10:20:01 AM5/27/20
to GAM for G Suite
Hi Ross,

Thanks for this, greatly appreciated! 
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Ross Scroggs

Tom Spis

Dec 13, 2021, 3:27:50 PM12/13/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Hi Ross,

First off, apologies for reviving an old thread.

It seems like the above-mentioned command no longer works - I'm getting a 'move is not a valid argument for "gam calendar"' when I try to run it. 

Has it been removed from GAM?

Ross Scroggs

Dec 13, 2021, 3:47:47 PM12/13/21

That is an error message from Standard GAM, it does not support moving events; that requires Advanced GAM.

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Ronald Nissley

Feb 1, 2022, 5:21:29 PM2/1/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
Resurrecting this again... Using GAMADV-XTD3 6.15.02, I retrieved a recurring event ID using the suggested matchfield summary query and tried the command form:
gam calendar move recurring event id recurringEventId to dest_user...@domain.tld
Partial command/error output:
"move >>>recurring<<< event id recurringEventId to dest_user...@domain.tld

ERROR: Invalid choice (recurring): Expected <event>"

Color me confused...and probably missing something painfully obvious. 😳😊
Message has been deleted

Ronald Nissley

Feb 1, 2022, 11:48:30 PM2/1/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
nvm...I misunderstood a previous response from Ross to mean gam calendar...move recurring event... is correct syntax. It isn't. As the error indicates, recurring is invalid. I was also incorrectly using a recurring event instance ID, which might look something like u8n0fbn0i6n86nduvhjf19c9pc_R20220201T150000. It took me a bit to correctly guess that the id for the master event is the same as an instance ID but omits the underscore separator and date/time specifier. For the pseudo example instance ID provided, the master event ID would be u8n0fbn0i6n86nduvhjf19c9pc.
Now on to tackle a "You need to have writer access to both calendars" error. Oddly, this is for a recurring event which I already moved (e.g. from org_shared_calendarATgroupDOTcalendarDOTgoogleDOTcom to user_calendarATdomainDOTtld) and now I'm trying to move back to the original calendar.

Ronald Nissley

Feb 2, 2022, 11:37:04 AM2/2/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
Now on to tackle a "You need to have writer access to both calendars" error. Oddly, this is for a recurring event which I already moved (e.g. from org_shared_calendarATgroupDOTcalendarDOTgoogleDOTcom to user_calendarATdomainDOTtld) and now I'm trying to move back to the original calendar.

I didn't find this exactly intuitive, but the user (owner of user_calendarATdomainDOTtld in my example) required writer access on the org/non-primary shared calendar.


May 24, 2023, 12:07:42 PM5/24/23
to GAM for Google Workspace
Is this possible to do for suspended users? I know Google allows this functionality via the Calendar API -

However, when I try to run this command on a suspended user, I get this error

The user must be signed up for Google Calendar.

After re-activating the user and enabling the Calendar service for them, I still get the same error.

Erik Lentz

May 25, 2023, 8:51:31 PM5/25/23
to GAM for Google Workspace
Seeing the same issue when a user is suspended:

The user must be signed up for Google Calendar.

John Nguyen

Feb 1, 2024, 9:43:16 PMFeb 1
to GAM for Google Workspace
Same issue for a suspended user. Did anyone find a work around?

Philippe GUERIN

Jul 18, 2024, 6:30:30 AMJul 18
to GAM for Google Workspace
Hey Ross

Thank you for your helps

My error message is : 

gam calendar move event id "4f17km9depgjn88hkek6a1tf7oce" to
Calendar:, Move 1 Event
  Calendar:, Event: 4f17km9depgjn88hkek6a1tf7oce, Calendar:, Move Failed: Writer access required to both calendars

And at first, it was not obvious for me to write 'move event ID' because it was explained differently in the Gsite and in the GitHub :
gam calendar <CalendarEntity> move event [<EventEntity>] destination|to <CalendarItem> [<EventNotificationAttribute>]

Philippe GUERIN

Jul 18, 2024, 8:35:28 AMJul 18
to GAM for Google Workspace
I tried with asadmin at the end of the command, but it still not work (non recognized command with that new input)

Could someone help?

Brandi Groft

Jul 18, 2024, 3:01:31 PMJul 18
to GAM for Google Workspace
You need to grant OLDUSER writer access to NEWUSER's calendar first for the move command to work:

[GAMADV-XTD3]   gam calendars NEWUSER add acls writer OLDUSER sendnotifications false
If you don't include "sendnotifications false" an email will go to OLDUSER's account telling them they have this calendar shared to them.

Optional steps I typically do after the "gam calendar OLDUSER move event eventid 28dj8jf82jr82jf822f2 to NEWUSER" command:
1. Remove OLDUSER from the event if desired, which does not email OLDUSER about removal:
gam calendar NEWUSER updateevent 28dj8jf82jr82jf822f2 removeattendee OLDUSER

2. Remove OLDUSER's writer access to NEWUSER's calendar, to clean up no-longer-necessary ACLs:
gam calendars NEWUSER delete acls writer OLDUSER

3. Resuspend OLDUSER account if it was suspended before these operations:
gam suspend user OLDUSER


Philippe GUERIN

Jul 19, 2024, 3:42:52 AMJul 19
to GAM for Google Workspace

Thank you so much Brandi for your answer.
gam calendar <CalendarEntity> move event [<EventEntity>] destination|to <CalendarItem> [<EventNotificationAttribute>]

It normally able to work, but I didn't succeed to do that 🧐

Philippe GUERIN

Jul 19, 2024, 10:51:05 AMJul 19
to GAM for Google Workspace
Hi there !

I found an other, and more simple solution.
With my super-admin account, I used this API explorer to execute my need...
And it works !!!

Good week-end all.
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