gam calendar add leads to 404 and 500 error?

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Axel Hederstedt

Oct 7, 2021, 2:39:20 AM10/7/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
So, I was tasked with adding multiple calendars to multiple users.

Running GAM 6.07
*all scopes pass
*reset oauth just in case

I started with creating a .csv

looking like this;

gam csv calendr.csv gam user ~owner add calendar ~target

and to my suprise it gave me this;
Using 25 processes...

Subscribing to calendar (1/1)

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound
Subscribing to calendar (1/1)

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound
Subscribing to calendar (1/1)

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound
with some
ERROR: 500: None - 500 
thrown in

About half of the calendars in the commands actually ended up on the users accs.

Thinking it was something in the csv I double checked with a single command

ERROR: 404: Not Found - notFound

does not work for that user

works fine for myself.
What am I doing wrong?

Axel Hederstedt

Oct 7, 2021, 5:07:57 AM10/7/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Ok, I think I figured it out.

for some reason some of the calendars are not open to the org.  this means the users didnt have ACL rights to the things I wantet to add.


OK, adding ORG. acl rights fixed the issue (I think)

However I still got many 500 errors for some reason, ideas on why?  construction of csv?

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

Brian Kim

Oct 7, 2021, 6:37:18 AM10/7/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
You could be hitting the Calendar API rate limiting. Try slowing it down using smaller number of threads (default is 20).

Axel Hederstedt

Oct 7, 2021, 6:44:40 AM10/7/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Ah, yeah I was wondering why GAM was having that many threads since I havent manually changed it.
erm, since I am new,  how do I use " set GAM_THREADS=10 " 
it is not a built in gam command no?

Brian Kim

Oct 7, 2021, 7:17:00 AM10/7/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Looks like it's 5 by default, so you might want to try something smaller.

Axel Hederstedt

Oct 7, 2021, 7:27:24 AM10/7/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Yup the command seems to have changed threads, there was no response tho so I couldnt tell :)

however I get 500 issues even using 10 processes...

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500

ERROR: 500: None - 500
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