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Switching org to use our domain alias

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David Emm

Jan 23, 2019, 4:57:09 PM1/23/19
to GAM for G Suite
I was able to successfully add our new domain to our G Suite account. I am able to send email to our domain alias with no issue.

The question is, how do I switch everyone over to send email now using our domain alias?

Our use case example:
We have the domain Our Google Suite accounts sign in with that domain. We added as a domain alias after we bought the domain from someone else. I want our users to have all emails sent out from, but still retain as the account (for now). How would I mass update everyone to send emails out with

I know I can do this in account settings > accounts > add another email address and uncheck great as an alias, but I don’t want to leave it up to our users to have to follow these instructions. I’d prefer to kick off the change using gam on a specific date.

David Emm

Jan 25, 2019, 3:08:15 AM1/25/19
to GAM for G Suite
Let me correct myself a bit further after reading through the wiki.

I've confirmed how I can change the send as for someone like me, but how can I change it for everyone in the company?

I assume if maybe I export a list of all of my users email addresses into a CSV and then alter the appended domain in the address to reflect the new domain, how would I get GAM to use this?

I see:
gam user <username>|group <groupname>|ou <ouname>|all users update sendas <EmailAddress> [name <Name>] [signature <String>|(file <FileName> ) (replace <Tag> <String>)*] [replyto <EmailAddress>] [default] [treatasalias <Boolean>]

So something like: gam ou "My Company" update sendas ??? replyto ??? default treatasalias flase

Steve - DynTech

Jan 25, 2019, 8:48:08 AM1/25/19
to GAM for G Suite
David - I'm in the process of cleaning this documentation up but it should give you some info and lead you in the right direction. It's open for edits and comments so please help improve it if you feel so inclined.

Eric Dannewitz

Jan 25, 2019, 8:57:39 AM1/25/19
Why not do this?

Eric Dannewitz 
Technology Assistant
Acalanes Union High School District
District Office Technology Department

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Steve - DynTech

Jan 25, 2019, 9:09:37 AM1/25/19
to GAM for G Suite
Eric - those are some very simplified steps that, whilst they are accurate, drastically simplify the process and do not go into enough details when you have 100s or 1000s of active users on an instance. 

Eric Dannewitz

Jan 25, 2019, 9:13:47 AM1/25/19

Eric Dannewitz 
Technology Assistant
Acalanes Union High School District
District Office Technology Department

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Eric Dannewitz

Jan 25, 2019, 9:16:08 AM1/25/19
Send out email to all the users saying it’s going to happen. What to do to login to the new domain, etc.

Seems straight forward to me.

Eric Dannewitz 
Technology Assistant
Acalanes Union High School District
District Office Technology Department

On Jan 25, 2019, at 6:09 AM, Steve - DynTech <> wrote:

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Steve - DynTech

Jan 25, 2019, 9:22:48 AM1/25/19
to GAM for G Suite
Did you see the doc I shared and the Chrome and OAuth sections?
You can't change primary domain from the admin console if you have Chrome licenses. Users will fail to authenticate with some OAuth apps because their primary domain has changed. You'll need to run a token report and find out what those key apps are and test first.

Eric Dannewitz

Jan 25, 2019, 10:07:57 AM1/25/19
Wasn't that interested.

The original question didn't ask about Chromebooks or licenses.

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Eric Dannewitz 
Technology Assistant/District Tech
Acalanes Union High School District

Kevin Melillo ✉

Jan 25, 2019, 10:19:32 AM1/25/19
You weren't interested enough to give a complete answer, but you were interested enough to mention that there may be a simpler way?
True, the use case may be as simple as you say, depending on the environment.  You could have stated that in your email, instead of being dismissive.  

I don't think I could trust an answer by someone who says they are just not that interested in solving my issue.

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Kevin Melillo
Electronic Communications Analyst, Information Technology

Phone: 732.465.6609 | Mobile: 732-609-4331


445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854

Eric Dannewitz

Jan 25, 2019, 11:33:21 AM1/25/19
For the original question (by David Emm), what I posted seemed to be the correct way to do it per google. There was no mention of chrome licenses or anything. It is a complete answer.

The other thing about Chromebooks and stuff, that is a different issue. Not sure why Steve decided to tack some reference not in the thread about some document he shared on his issue to this thread (which I did not see), but whatever. I answered the original question. 

You can leave the personal attacks and side comments out of this Kevin. It's not really becoming nor does it add anything to the conversation.

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Kevin Melillo ✉

Jan 25, 2019, 11:48:23 AM1/25/19
First off, let me say that the message was not intended as a personal attack.  It was constructive criticism.  I understand how it could be interpreted as such, and for that, I am sorry.

As for the additional information that was provided by Steve, it was about changing the primary domain.  In this case, if Chrome licenses are involved, it could be a pretty big gotcha.  Usually, a 'Field Notes' document contains quite a bit more detail, along with things to look out for when following a process.  It is meant to help the reader avoid certain issues that normally occur.  I have assisted with MANY deployments as well as primary domain swaps, and a document like this would have been GOLD for the first few that I was a part of.

While your information was not incorrect, to me it seemed incomplete, especially without knowing more about the target environment.

And as always, before attempting ANYTHING in life...  Measure twice, cut once.  I should have taken this advice with my first response, so as not to offend.  Again, sorry for that.

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