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How to find the root parent folder of a file

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Caleb Spring

Sep 6, 2016, 6:06:38 PM9/6/16
to Google Apps Manager
I need to find the root parent folder of a file. I figured out how to find the parent folder id of the file itself using this command "gam all users show filelist query "fullText contains 'Review.docx' " name id parents"

I thought I could work backwards by finding the parent of this folder now that I had it's id but I can't seem to figure out how to search if I know the id of a folder.  

I tried "gam all users show filelist query "id = '<new id>' name id parents" which runs but an error "ERROR: 400: Invalid query - invalid" or ERROR: is not a valid argument for "gam <users> show filelist"

What is the identifier in the query that is equal to the folder/file id?

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