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GAM SendAs

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Jun 1, 2012, 4:55:31 AM6/1/12
Dear all,

We are aiming to use 'SendAs' function but twisted its original purpose a little bit.  Instead of sending as a 'secondary email address', we simply would like to change the Display Name of the sender 'From' address.

Our need is quite tricky.  We need to append country code to the list.  Say, PersonName Lastname SWE to denotes this guy is from Sweden and  PersonName2 Lastname USA to show this is from USA.  In the person account listing, these accounts are named  PersonName Lastname  and PersonName2 Lastname  accordingly as we do not want to amend their actual Lastname  field (which will creates lot of problems syncing them with the existing SSO and user database, etc etc.

GAM looks like it accept (and also Google does too) the new custom names.  But instead of 'replacing' the original names, it add a second line with the same email address.  Which, Google gmail does not take it into account when sending out the email.  

It does work if we use secondary domain and Google will switch to use the 2nd domain right away.

gam user personname.lastname sendas "PersonName Lastname SWE" default  

But if we are using

gam user personname.lastname sendas "PersonName Lastname SWE" default   

GAM will take it.  In Gmail UI, it will shows PersonName Lastname <>  with  'default'  and Edit info
and also there are second lines    PersonName Lastname <>  with  'Make default'  and Edit info and Delete

Then, users will have to go to the Mail Settings \ Accounts  and  'Make Default'  on the second name in order for this to be effective.

Any helps appreciated.  I know that this may not be GAM issues, but wanted to ask out anyway.  

Thanks in advance.

Graham Ingleby

Jun 1, 2012, 5:21:05 AM6/1/12

Have you tried changing to a second domain and then changing back to correct domain with additional name info?
It is long winded and I haven't tried it so may not work, but worth a try

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Jade V. Thaveekij

Jun 1, 2012, 6:14:06 AM6/1/12
Somehow, when we tested internally, it works.  But as soon we we rolled out a script to patch every countries members, these no longer works.  not even in a test environment now.  So, either it was blocked by Google, or ... something in the middle.

Best regards,

-= Jade =-
!!! @GMail !!!
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