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Deleting contact globally?

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Dec 19, 2017, 10:29:43 AM12/19/17
to GAM for G Suite

Is there a way to delete a specific contact with email off everyone's account?



Dec 19, 2017, 1:18:59 PM12/19/17
to GAM for G Suite
I don't know if you can delete it directly, but with GAMADV-X you can find the contactID of it and then delete the unique ID from each user.

gam redirect csv ./bad_contacts.csv all users print contacts emailmatchpattern ""

That will give you a CSV of that contact within all users' address lists.

You can then push that csv back through gam.

gam csv ./bad_contacts.csv gam delete contacts user ~User delete contactid ~ContactID

But, also maybe this could work.

gam all users delete contacts emailmatchpattern ""

(No, it doesn't work. I just tested it. There's something wrong with my syntax for a direct delete, if it's even possible.)

Bent Lee

Dec 21, 2017, 1:05:09 PM12/21/17
to GAM for G Suite
Thanks Kim,
I am new to gam and I noticed you saying Gamadv-X. I have no idea how to install steps..;) Have you tried out your command to see if it does work and that it does delete from Other contacts or most contacted for all domain users. 

Dan Seward

Dec 7, 2018, 7:07:26 AM12/7/18
to GAM for G Suite

Jonathan Tepper

Oct 11, 2022, 6:01:02 PM10/11/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
Syntax is now, at least worked for me.

gam csv ./bad_contacts.csv gam user ~User delete othercontacts ~resourceName
- - - - - - - - - - - - 

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SU Dennis Teper

Dec 5, 2022, 5:06:17 PM12/5/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
Jonathan what version of GAM are you running? I was not able to get this command working with this syntax on version 6.21, appears to be related to a change after 6.08.

Ross Scroggs

Dec 5, 2022, 5:11:23 PM12/5/22

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Jonathan Tepper

Dec 5, 2022, 5:28:44 PM12/5/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
I should have clarified, as Ross indicated, I used GAMADV-XTD3. Version 6.27.10 in this case.  

Ross thanks for sending me an invite. Happy to connect if more needs to be covered. The two folders have very similar files and nomenclature, GAM.exe, gam-setup, etc. and realized I was referring to Advance GAM.
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