displaying names in Google Groups

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Dec 12, 2022, 8:25:26 PM12/12/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
We have a Google Workspace for Nonprofits account. Most of our Google Groups have external, non-domain users, and most of the Groups are primarily used for email inquiries about various activities and for access to Google Drive. We have a Google Admin group this is the owner of all the other groups.

When I, as an admin, view the member list for a Group, I can see the display names for anyone who is a domain user, but I can only see elided email addresses for the other members: john...mith@gmail.com instead of John J. Smith.

I did some poking around online and found some information that indicated that if you invited a member, and that person joined, you would then be able to see their name in the members list. I tried that, and it worked sometimes, but not others.

While playing with GAMADV-XTD3, I've noticed that if I run this:
gam print drivefileacls <sharedDriveID> oneitemperrow todrive

I get permission.displayName as one of the fields, and I can see the actual names of non-domain members who have been granted access directly to the drive (as opposed to having access by membership in a Group).

But that doesn't work for Groups.

Is there any reliable way to view information about the names associated with an email address when looking at Google Group data?

Ian Crew

Dec 12, 2022, 10:48:48 PM12/12/22
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com
I just found the thread at https://groups.google.com/g/google-apps-manager/c/zKegTHsCh4E in the archives of this group. Maybe that’ll help?



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Ian Crew

Solutions Architect
Productivity & Collaboration Services
Information Services and Technology

Ross Scroggs

Dec 12, 2022, 11:33:58 PM12/12/22
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com
The Directory API (https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/members#Member) for group members has no support for display names.
Ian's suggestion will work for email addresses in your domain but not external members. If the console shows a display name for an external member,
GAM (via the API) has no access to it.

Ross Scroggs


Dec 13, 2022, 12:36:07 AM12/13/22
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, Ross. Display names already appear for users in our domain. 

We were attempting to appease a volunteer who has a pretty low opinion of Google in general. Says the elided email addresses must be a bug. (Also finds it untenable that members are allowed to unsubscribe from Google Groups.)

Fortunately, he has decided to go back to using his private email server, and no one else is clutching their pearls about the inability to view names of Google Group members.

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Ian Crew

Dec 13, 2022, 10:02:31 AM12/13/22
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com
If it helps any, it’s entirely possible to use GAM to set up a Google Group so folks can’t unsubscribe themselves using the NONE_CAN_LEAVE option. Check out https://github.com/GAM-team/GAM/wiki/GAM3GroupSettings#syntax-23

(Tooting my own horn, I’m the person who convinced the Groups team to add that to the API back in 2012 or so, so I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for that setting! 😁😜)

Of course, that setting should be used sparingly, as it can be perceived as a hostile or spammy sort of thing to do, but it’s really useful for things like configuration groups or Drive permissions or “all employees” communications or whatever…




Dec 13, 2022, 11:17:20 AM12/13/22
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, Ian - I had actually discovered that recently, and since he flounced out last night saying that not being able to keep people from unsubscribing was a deal breaker for him (seriously? for a church choir?), I've been wrestling with the urge to say, "Well, actually, we can do that for you." <with a strong overtone of neener-neener-neener>. So far, I've managed to resist.

Our organization doesn't really have an immediate use for that functionality, but congratulations on getting Google to add it.

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