Transfer members from a email group to another

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Dec 23, 2016, 2:30:11 AM12/23/16
to GAM for G Suite

I'm a Google Admin for my school. 
We have students in Year 11 having group email address
As they are going to Year 12 in the following year, I would like to transfer them into another current group email address that I have which is

I tried to use the command 

update group sync member group then

update group remove all users.
However, it starts to delete all the users I have in my domain and i lost around 5 users before I close my terminal.

Could someone please advise me how could I update the group without removing all my users?



Dec 23, 2016, 3:20:50 AM12/23/16
to GAM for G Suite
Why not continue your syncing of younger groups?
So after syncing the year12 with the year11 group, do the same with year11 and year10, all the way backwards.
As it is a sync, it will remove all users from year11 group which aren't present in the year10 group (as per my understanding).


Dec 23, 2016, 7:51:17 AM12/23/16
to GAM for G Suite
This is probably re-inventing the wheel so to speak, but I know a few schools who use the graduation year as the group.  year2016@.  This allowed them to create 1 group per year, and retire one group per year.  Each student would be in the same group for the time they were at the school.  If a student skipped a grade, or had to repeat, then you could move the individual student to the previous, or next group.

As far as I see, the command you are using to remove group members would not affect their accounts, only membership in the group. 

So is that the question you are asking?  Why is the group removal actually deleting accounts?  


Dec 23, 2016, 7:52:59 AM12/23/16
to GAM for G Suite
Also, you could set aliases to the group.  year9, year10, year11, year12...  That way, they would still resolve the way everyone is expecting, but you would not need to shuffle members around.  At the beginning of the year, you could just reassign the aliases.  

Ross Scroggs

Dec 23, 2016, 9:21:49 AM12/23/16

Fortunately, gam is not deleting your users from the domain; it's just a scary error message.
$ gam update group testgroup delete member
Gam is just removing testuser4 from testgroup.

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