Create a Course by Copying Another Course

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Elsa LAI

Sep 3, 2022, 11:11:29 AM9/3/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
Hi all,

I would like to use Advanced GAM to create a new course by copying all teaching topics and materials (Classwork) from another course.  My GAM command is like this:

gam create course alias test-copy name "1A MATH" teacher [email] status ACTIVE copyfrom [CourseID] materialstates all markpublishedasdraft true workstates all markpublishedasdraft true removeduedate true copymaterialsfiles true copytopics true

However, the created course is just an empty one.  That means the copy action was unsuccessful.  Is there anything wrong in my command?

After creating the course, GAM's message is like this:

Course: [new CourseID], Copy from Course: [CourseID]
User: [email], Service not applicable/Does not exist

How to solve this problem?

Best wishes,

Alex de Vaal

Feb 20, 2024, 10:24:51 AMFeb 20
to GAM for Google Workspace

My problem is similar, but im also really new to GAM(ADV-XTD3) so maybe i miss something,..?

I've got the same error, but I know the course owner is lost. (User: [ID], Service not applicable/Does not exist)
Is it not possible via GAM to create a new copy of that classroom via cmd to gain a new active one?
Because it's possible to do it manually if you are already in the classroom, I would think of a command like that:

gam create course name "Copy of [oldClassroomName]" copyfrom [id] teacher [new teacher/owner] announcementstates all materialstates all workstates all members all copymaterialsfiles copytopics markdraftaspublished markpublishedasdraft

should work fine.
Do you have any ideas for what I could try? (Yes, it is working with an intact classroom.)
Maybe Ross Scroggs

Ross Scroggs

Feb 20, 2024, 10:33:37 AMFeb 20
If the course owner is lost, the only thing you can do with the Classroom API is to delete the course.

Ross Scroggs

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Alex de Vaal

Feb 21, 2024, 3:50:06 PMFeb 21
to GAM for Google Workspace

Thank you very much for your fast reply, Ross.
maybe i found in that case something interesting, what is actually not full understandable for me.

I just checked some classrooms where the owner is lost ("ownerEmail: User Unknown"; "Owner ID:xxx; Does not Exist").
I found different types of "lost."  Some classes are still able to copy due to the "loststate, but some are not available on the classroom website.
GAM (ADV) handles both types identically, "Service not applicable/Does not exist,"  but if I can copy them in the manual, GAM should be able to do that too, i think (except if it does not check if the information is truly unreadable, but does an "easyer" check, like if there is an existing user).
I noticed that you are really active in the topics here, so maybe you already know why GAM does not differentiate between these cases?


Ross Scroggs

Feb 21, 2024, 3:54:06 PMFeb 21
What you can do in the console and what the API lets GAM do are not the same.

Send me a Meet/Zoom invitatiojn and we can discuss the issue.

Ross Scroggs

Ross Scroggs

Feb 21, 2024, 5:37:39 PMFeb 21
Get 6.70.02. Try to copy the lost courses with GAM

Ross Scroggs

Alex de Vaal

Feb 23, 2024, 7:21:57 AMFeb 23
to GAM for Google Workspace

Hey Ross, 
I'm really sorry about the late reply.

I just tried yesterday to get the pyinstaller running, but I ran into some restrictions from my company for devices. I tried to make a workaround, but it was not really successful.
I'm on vacation tomorrow, but I want to let you know that I didn't forget about your post here, but that I was not able to test it right now.
I start another try after I'm back at the company.
So, thank you for your time till now, and hopefully we will write in a few weeks again! :)
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