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What happens if I let my domain cancel, will I loose access to my Google Apps account?

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Paul F.

Feb 13, 2014, 7:28:37 AM2/13/14
Howdy, I have an old domain that I'm not willing to renew anymore however it's setup on Google Apps where my emails are stored for that domain, my question is, if I let the domain cancel will Google prohibit me from logging in to my Google Apps email accounts?
I understand that I will not be able to send or receive emails anymore but I would like to be able to still access the old email accounts that I have under that domain using the Gmail interface.

Graham Ingleby

Feb 19, 2014, 8:08:45 AM2/19/14
to GAM group
Hi Paul
Not really a GAM issue, but if you let your subscription slide then the account and all user data will be deleted
You can use Google Takeout to export all of your data to move to a new service provider

Hope that helps

 Graham Ingleby |  Cloud Computing Consultant |  01344 203395 |

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