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GAM delegate giving - Temporary error 1000

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Sep 4, 2012, 7:53:34 PM9/4/12
I was attempting to add a delegate to a mailbox, and this is what I get.  I have tried several times during the day:

Temporary error 1000. Retry 6 in 16.0 seconds
Temporary error 1000. Retry 7 in 32.0 seconds
Temporary error 1000. Retry 8 in 60 seconds
Temporary error 1000. Retry 9 in 60 seconds
Temporary error 1000. Retry 10 in 60 seconds
Giving up

format was gam user <user> delegate to <delegate@emailaddress>

Is there anyone else with issues delegating?  I normally don't have any issues with this.

Jay Lee

Sep 4, 2012, 8:22:27 PM9/4/12
Check that:
  • Neither the delegate nor the delegator is suspended (use "gam info user <email>" to check)
  • Neither the delegate nor the delegator requires a change of password (check with same command as above)
  • the delegation doesn't already exist (use "gam user <email> show delegates" to see)


Jay Lee
LCS Deployment Lead   |  ⚡ Dito

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Cliff Wakefield

Sep 4, 2012, 8:33:15 PM9/4/12
Not sure why my email response didn't get posted but here goes.


During our all staff go live around June 25th we needed to add in 100's of delegates and we were receiving this issue.

First thing to check is that the both accounts involved are NOT suspended and are NOT in a change password required state, as mentioned in the GAM documentation

In our case this wasn't the case and yet we still got the same error.

The error seemed to be intermittent.

The error could be replicated using the standard Google Mail web interface attempting delegation.

We raised a Enterprise support call as priority 1 but Google never actually resolved the issue it just started to work in the knick of time for our go live.

Brett Stewart

Sep 5, 2012, 11:57:26 AM9/5/12
Thanks for your help,  Sure enough, today it worked like it was supposed to.  Odd thing was that it worked for different users yesterday, just not the one I kept getting the error on.

Brett Stewart | Desktop Support Analyst
Restoration Hardware
(415) 945-3428


Cliff Wakefield

Sep 4, 2012, 7:59:12 PM9/4/12

During our all staff go live around June 25th we needed to add in 100's of delegates and we were receiving this issue.

First thing to check is that the both accounts involved are NOT suspended and are NOT in a change password required state, as mentioned in the GAM documentation

In our case this wasn't the case and yet we still got the same error.

The error seemed to be intermittent.

The error could be replicated using the standard Google Mail web interface attempting delegation.

We raised a Enterprise support call as priority 1 but Google never actually resolved the issue it just started to work in the knick of time for our go live.

Cliff Wakefield
Technical Lead, GoogleApps@RMIT

Information Technology Service
RMIT University
Postal: GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001
Location: Building 158, 300 Queen Street, Melbourne, Australia 3000

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