Installation error

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Jasper Cuvelier

Dec 6, 2019, 6:54:37 AM12/6/19
to GAM for G Suite

First of all, I'm not a new user to GAM. I give workshops about this wonderfull tool.
This morning, I'm trying demonstrate how to install GAM, but I get an error while I'm trying to get GAM installed. The files are downloaded successfully, but when trying to authenticate to create a project with my admin account, I get following error:
(manually translated from dutch, sorry If this isn't the correct error message as it would be in english...)

'Login with Google is temporary disabled for this app. This app isn't verified by Google to use the function "login with google"'.

It's not just me, also all the participants of my workshop get the exact same error...
Anything can be done?

I get the same issue on any platform (linux, windows, cloudshell) :-(

Help please!!

Jay Lee

Dec 6, 2019, 10:18:09 AM12/6/19
Thanks for pointing this out. It may take me awhile to get this resolved but in the meantime you can workaround the issue by whitelisting the GAM Creation project:
  1. Go to
  2. Click the yellow + Circle at bottom right.
  3. For app type select "Web Application"
  4. For OAuth2 Client ID put:
  5. Go grab a cup of coffee (wait 5-10 minutes).
After a few minutes, you should be able to rerun the install or rerun "gam create project" and be allowed to accept the application.


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