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Print all groups with time of last email

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Dec 11, 2019, 5:10:25 PM12/11/19
to GAM for G Suite
Hi, is there a way to print all groups including the last time they received (or sent) an email? My company has almost 2000 groups and is looking to audit them for disuse. All of our groups used for access to things like files and calendars are filterable by name or description so we aren't worried about accidentally deleting one of those which may legitimately never get emails. I suspect this isn't possible, but I thought I would ask.


Dec 27, 2019, 12:11:50 PM12/27/19
to GAM for G Suite
Email audit log only goes back six months, so unless you're only looking to see if they were emailed to within that period, it isn't possible.

If you have Enterprise you can push your Gmail logs to BigQuery, which would give you endless logs.
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