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Create users from csv without overriding possible current users

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Howard Davis

Aug 20, 2019, 4:31:17 PM8/20/19
to GAM for G Suite
I am bulk creating users using a csv. In case I make a boo boo, how do I ensure they don't override existing users. Code I use:

gam csv [file.csv] gam create user ~email firstname ~first lastname ~last password ~password org /Students/Elementary

Say in that csv I have a user with email billybob, but billybob already exists. In the past (because I did it once), it would just override billybob with whatever I set the new password as. Is there a way to avoid this?

Ross Scroggs

Aug 20, 2019, 4:44:59 PM8/20/19

Create should fail in this case and no updates should be applied to the existing billybob. This is how the API has always worked as far as i know.
Test it out, you should always get a duplicate error.


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