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Muhamad Noorizar

Mar 16, 2017, 4:08:39 AM3/16/17
to GAM for G Suite
Hi All,
Been doing a gam print course-participants [toDrive | >csv].
The question I have is what is the limit of classes data that can be churn out?
I have about 386 Classes GAM failed when it hit 200 only. I really need to know the teachers and students for every class to check if everyone is accounted for.
Every time I do this, i will always receive error below:

Temp error backendError. Backing off 16 seconds...attempt 5/10

Temp error backendError. Backing off 32 seconds...attempt 6/10

Temp error backendError. Backing off 60 seconds...

1) Is there a work around for this? 

2) Can I also get selective info like Teachers only or Students only? Like a query for selected fields or something? (Pardon my ignorance I'm really new to this)

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