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Classic Sites | Report on All Sites

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Apr 21, 2021, 12:29:08 AM4/21/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
With the "iminent" conversion of Classic Sites to New Sites I thought I would take a look at what Classic Sites still exist in our Workspace. But runing different commands gave different results, as follows;-

gam print sites domains <Our Domain> todrive = 291 sites
gam all users print sites todrive = 151 sites
gam domains <Our Domain> print sites todrive = 151 sites.
gam all users print sites todrive role owner = 163 sites

All the 151 & 163 sites are included in the 291 sites.

Does anyone else get this and any idea's why? I am using GAMADV-XTD3 6.01.05.




Apr 26, 2021, 3:47:56 AM4/26/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Hi Ross,

Thanks for your time today. I have looked further into this and think I have found the reason for the difference.  So just looking at the 2 commands I get the following results;- 
gam all users print sites todrive = 151
This is the number of sites that are owned by at least 1 active user. So the command must be automatically ignoring suspended users.
gam print sites domains <My Domain> todrive = 290
This is the total number of sites including orphaned (no owner), active owners and suspended owners. This correlates to the report from the page.

I also ran gam ou_and_children / print sites todrive which resulted in 151 sites listed. But when I ran gam ou_and_children_susp / print sites todrive I got 0 sites listed.

Not sure if you are able to confirm this? And why a search of suspended users does not return any results.


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