I'm using GAM to create users e.g.
gam create user '
test...@domain.com' firstname '0001' lastname 'Tester' password '********' suspended off org 'Test' customerid '********'
The user is created, and put into the "Test" OU. But the account is suspended.
Trying to subsequently activate the account with GAM:
results in an error:
Error: 1102: Unknown Error: {'status': 400, 'body': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<AppsForYourDomainErrors>\r\n <error errorCode="1102" invalidInput="" reason="UserSuspendedForAbuse" />\r\n</AppsForYourDomainErrors>\r\n\r\n', 'reason': 'Bad Request'}
If I create an account with a CSV upload, it is Active, but then I have to move it into the proper OU.
I need to be able to create hundreds/thousands of accounts programmatically, and I need them to be active immediately.
Is this a new 'feature' of Google? Or am I missing something?