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Group Settings Question - Want Owners to moderate, Managers to post

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Dierk Polzin

Jan 31, 2020, 3:25:13 PM1/31/20
to GAM for G Suite
Perhaps someone has this set up, I am trying to set up moderation on our large groups..

Managers - ability to post to full list.. but not able to moderate their own messages.
Owners  - ability to moderate the messages from the Managers, but not post

 messageModerationLevel: MODERATE_ALL_MESSAGES
 whoCanApproveMessages: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanDeleteAnyPost: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanDeleteTopics: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanLockTopics: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanMoveTopicsIn: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanMoveTopicsOut: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanPostAnnouncements: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanModerateMembers: OWNERS_ONLY
 whoCanModerateContent: OWNERS_ONLY

It seems like this should work.. but the manager/sender is getting the moderation email. 


Bradley Stinson

Jan 31, 2020, 3:42:43 PM1/31/20
Setting something to managers automatically includes owners, so they will be able to post. You will have to go to the settings and override the posting permissions for the specific users you don't want to be able to post. If I recall correctly that setting for overriding on a specific user is not available via api and so not able to be set with gam. As to your moderation settings those look correct. What does the GUI show when you look at Settings > Moderation > Moderate Content after applying your settings? It should have only Owners of the group selected.


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Dierk Polzin

Feb 3, 2020, 4:43:23 PM2/3/20
to GAM for G Suite
No matter how I change the settings in Google Groups app for the Manager or the Owners it sends a moderation email to the sender/manager.

I guess I will test making the sender just a member and see if that works.

Sergey Chernokov

Oct 20, 2022, 10:04:35 AM10/20/22
to GAM for Google Workspace
I am experiencing the same behavior. Managers receive the approval email (when they don't have permission to moderate). Have you resolved this issue and how?
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