Perhaps someone has this set up, I am trying to set up moderation on our large groups..
Managers - ability to post to full list.. but not able to moderate their own messages.
Owners - ability to moderate the messages from the Managers, but not post
messageModerationLevel: MODERATE_ALL_MESSAGES
whoCanApproveMessages: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanDeleteAnyPost: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanDeleteTopics: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanLockTopics: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanMoveTopicsIn: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanMoveTopicsOut: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanPostAnnouncements: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanModerateMembers: OWNERS_ONLY
whoCanModerateContent: OWNERS_ONLY
It seems like this should work.. but the manager/sender is getting the moderation email.