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Cannot create classroom - ERROR: 403: The caller does not have permission - 403

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Máté Valkó

Mar 31, 2020, 5:44:41 PM3/31/20
to GAM for G Suite
When I try to run gam create course alias teszt name teszt teacher, it gives me an error of 
ERROR: 403: The caller does not have permission - 403

I'm using the original super user account.

I can create classroom using App Script, however failing to list out all the courses in the domain (cannot list out, or manipulate classrooms, that other users created)

gam ouath info:
Scopes (29)

I'm even added the created "GAM Project" application on Security > API controls > App access control

Ross Scroggs

Mar 31, 2020, 5:58:38 PM3/31/20

Do: gam print admins 
Find the line that has the email address on the G Suite Admin in: gam oauth info
What is the value in the role column? 

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Máté Valkó

Mar 31, 2020, 6:42:47 PM3/31/20
to GAM for G Suite
It's not on the admin list. I'm using GAM with the admin user, that I created, when I created the whole org.

On Tuesday, 31 March 2020 23:58:38 UTC+2, Ross Scroggs wrote:

Do: gam print admins 
Find the line that has the email address on the G Suite Admin in: gam oauth info
What is the value in the role column? 

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Ross Scroggs

Mar 31, 2020, 6:51:56 PM3/31/20

If the email address is not on the list, you're not going to be successful.
You need a Domain Admin to create courses.
I'm using GAM with the admin user, that I created, when I created the whole org
How did you create this user?

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Máté Valkó

Mar 31, 2020, 7:06:37 PM3/31/20
to GAM for G Suite
This is the very first user in the organizaton. When I registered the organisation, google created it. I can call it the default, admin, root, superuser, every permission that ever existed it got it user. 

I didn't set any Administrative Role on the UI, because this is the default superuser account. 

However... I assigned this user as Super Admin 20 mins ago, rerun the gam-setup.bat, and... it works... but i really don't understand. This user should have access all of the resources, even if it's not set on the UI.

Thanks for your help, I literally the last 2 days/40 hours trying to fix this. (got pretty urgent by now)

On Wednesday, 1 April 2020 00:51:56 UTC+2, Ross Scroggs wrote:

If the email address is not on the list, you're not going to be successful.
You need a Domain Admin to create courses.
I'm using GAM with the admin user, that I created, when I created the whole org
How did you create this user?

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