# python gam.py info domain
GAM is made possible and maintained by the work of Dito. Who is Dito?
Dito is solely focused on moving organizations to Google's cloud. After hundreds of successful deployments over the last 5 years, we have gained notoriety for our complete understanding of the platform, our change management & training ability, and our rock-star deployment engineers. We are known worldwide as the Google Apps Experts.
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Select the authorized scopes for this token. Include a 'r' to grant read-only
access or an 'a' to grant action-only access.
[*] 0) Group Directory API (supports read-only)
[*] 1) Organizational Unit Directory API (supports read-only)
[*] 2) User Directory API (supports read-only)
[*] 3) Chrome OS Device Directory API (supports read-only)
[*] 4) Mobile Device Directory API (supports read-only and action)
[*] 5) User Email Settings API
[*] 6) Calendar Resources API
[*] 7) Audit Monitors, Activity and Mailbox Exports API
[*] 8) Admin Settings API
[*] 9) Groups Settings API
[*] 10) Calendar Data API (supports read-only)
[*] 11) Audit Reports API
[*] 12) Usage Reports API
[*] 13) Drive API (create report documents for admin user only)
[*] 14) License Manager API
[*] 15) User Security Directory API
[*] 16) Notifications Directory API
[*] 17) Site Verification API
(*) 18) IMAP/SMTP Access (send notifications to admin)
19) Select all scopes
20) Unselect all scopes
21) Continue
Go to the following link in your browser:
Authentication successful.
Google Apps Domain: xxxx.xxxx.es
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gam.py", line 6488, in <module>
File "gam.py", line 4628, in doGetDomainInfo
customer_id = callGAPI(service=cd.users(), function=u'list', fields=u'users(customerId)', domain=domain, maxResults=1)[u'users'][0][u'customerId']
KeyError: u'users'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./gam.py", line 7080, in <module>
File "./gam.py", line 5142, in doGetDomainInfo
customer_id = callGAPI(service=cd.users(), function=u'list', fields=u'users(customerId)', customer=customerId, maxResults=1)[u'users'][0][u'customerId']
KeyError: u'users'
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/google-apps-manager/f3447e7e-56e3-49fd-a733-8a48393132f7%40googlegroups.com.--
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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./gam.py", line 7321, in <module>
File "./gam.py", line 5474, in doGetDomainInfo
customer_id = result[u'users'][0][u'customerId']
KeyError: u'users'
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/google-apps-manager/CAK_EDDGwx%2BnMf_w98Ej%3Dx_XYS95kfks9_COAufTDgdwL0knYTg%40mail.gmail.com.
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