[GAMADV] Having trouble modifying user contacts

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Matt Watson

Feb 15, 2018, 9:01:42 AM2/15/18
to GAM for G Suite
I'm not having any luck utilizing GAMADV to update some user's contact info

We have ~200 users many of which have been here for quite a while so there is a lot of outdated contact info. A particular example, one user has had email accounts for three separate domains so depending on the sender, an email can have three different "to" addresses. When he does a ReplyAll, the email chain will now contains the old alias AND his new address. Let's say I want to edit my contacts and update the email for jo...@OLDcompany.com to jo...@NEWcompany.com... The error statements seem to guide me in circles.

gam user ma...@NEWcompany.com update contacts query jo...@OLDcompany.com email work jo...@NEWcompany.com primary      
is just one of my shots in the dark at this that throws an error

Thanks for your help!

Ross Scroggs

Feb 15, 2018, 9:29:18 AM2/15/18
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com

This is probably what you're seeing:
$ gam user ma...@NEWcompany.com update contacts query jo...@OLDcompany.com email work jo...@NEWcompany.com primary   
Command: /Users/Ross/Documents/GoogleApps/GAM/gamadvx.py user ma...@NEWcompany.com update contacts query >>>jo...@OLDcompany.com<<< email work jo...@NEWcompany.com primary

ERROR: Invalid argument: Expected <additionalname|address|addresses|billinginfo|birthday|calendar|calendars|contactgroup|contactgroups|directoryserver|email|emails|event|events|externalid|externalids|familyname|firstname|gender|givenname|hobbies|hobby|im|ims|initials|jot|jots|language|lastname|location|maidenname|middlename|mileage|name|nickname|note|notes|occupation|organization|organizations|phone|phones|prefix|priority|relation|relations|sensitivity|shortname|subject|suffix|updated|userdefinedfield|userdefinedfields|website|websites>
Help: Syntax in file /Users/Ross/Documents/GoogleApps/GAM/GamCommands.txt

gam <UserTypeEntity> update contacts <ContactEntity> [contactgroup <ContactGroupItem>] <ContactAttributes>+
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete contacts <ContactEntity>|([query <QueryContact>] [contactgroup <ContactGroupItem>] [emailmatchpattern <RegularExpression>] [emailmatchtype work|home|other|<String>] [updated_min <Date>])

query is not supported for update contacts.

You could do:
gam user ma...@NEWcompany.com print contacts query jo...@OLDcompany.com
Extract the ContactID
gam user ma...@NEWcompany.com update contacts <Put ContactID Here> email work jo...@NEWcompany.com primary 

But that would get old fast; I'll look into adding query to update.


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Ross Scroggs

Feb 15, 2018, 3:33:53 PM2/15/18
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com

I've implemented the change to let you do your contact cleanup.

This will now work:
$ gam user ma...@NEWcompany.com update contacts query jo...@OLDcompany.com email work jo...@NEWcompany.com primary   


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Matt Watson

Feb 15, 2018, 5:25:06 PM2/15/18
to GAM for G Suite
I'm speechless... You made that too easy. 

It works flawlessly - Thank you!
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David Hurst

Mar 7, 2019, 5:29:02 PM3/7/19
to GAM for G Suite

I am also having issues updating contacts , namely updating their inclusion in contact groups. It appears as though it works but in checking contacts UI no change has actually been made ?? I have tried using contactgroup id and name with the same result for each:
gam user targe...@email.com update contacts query contact...@email.com contactgroup id:sdjklfe87348fdjh
Got 1 Contacts...
User: targe...@email.com , Update maximum of 1 Contacts
  User: targe...@email.com, Contact: b87b3fy7988c66f, Updated (1/1)

Help appreciated

Thanks David

Ross Scroggs

Mar 7, 2019, 6:02:34 PM3/7/19
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com

What does this show: gam user targe...@email.com info contact b87b3fy7988c66f fields name,contactgroup


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Ross Scroggs

Mar 7, 2019, 11:15:33 PM3/7/19
to google-ap...@googlegroups.com

A documentation issue, contactgroup is used in two contexts, limiting a query to a particular contact group and as a value that can be changed.
Change the command slightly: gam user targe...@email.com update contacts query contact...@email.com endquery contactgroup id:sdjklfe87348fdjh

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