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GAM Dropping Everything After "." in Bulk Processing for Fields?

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Matthaniel Cowell

Sep 11, 2019, 2:43:42 PM9/11/19
to GAM for G Suite
I have a weird issue that I cannot seem to get past. When I attempt to import a user via CSV, I get the following error:

User:, Create Failed: Invalid Input: [demo@domain, notifyaccount@domain, WelcomeFile]

The command I'm using is:
gam csv testimport.csv gam create user ~NewEmail changepasswordatnextlogin ~ChangePassword firstname ~FirstName lastname ~LastName password ~Password ou ~OrgUnitNoQuote address type work unstructured ~WorkAddress primary organization type work name "Company Name" title ~EmployeeTitle department "Restaurants" symbol "REST" costcenter "REST" primary phone type work value ~WorkPhone primary phone type mobile value ~MobilePhone notprimary relation manager ~ManagerEmail relation partner ~Partner primaryEmail ~NewEmail notify ~OldEmail file WelcomeFile.html html

My testimport.csv file looks like the below:
Test,User,,,test123!#,,'/Office Team',/Office Team,,,,,,(555) 555-5555,,(444) 444-4444,"125 E. Main Street, Anytown, IL 34590",,,,Assistant Manager,,Restaurant,rest,,IL,,,TRUE,Active

I am running GAMADV-XTD3 4.94.06 with Windows Powershell on Windows 10 1903.

What am I doing wrong?

Matthaniel Cowell

Sep 12, 2019, 12:30:59 PM9/12/19
to GAM for G Suite
For those reviewing this:

My issue was with my command having the primaryEmail argument when adding a new user. With help from Ross, we found that there's a bug in the error messaging, but removing the primaryEmail argument got me past the problem I experienced as described here. 

Thanks Ross for your time and patience!

On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 11:43:42 AM UTC-7, Matthaniel Cowell wrote:
I have a weird issue that I cannot seem to get past. When I attempt to import a user via CSV, I get the following error:

User:, Create Failed: Invalid Input: [demo@domain, notifyaccount@domain, WelcomeFile]

The command I'm using is:
gam csv testimport.csv gam create user ~NewEmail changepasswordatnextlogin ~ChangePassword firstname ~FirstName lastname ~LastName password ~Password ou ~OrgUnitNoQuote address type work unstructured ~WorkAddress primary organization type work name "Company Name" title ~EmployeeTitle department "Restaurants" symbol "REST" costcenter "REST" primary phone type work value ~WorkPhone primary phone type mobile value ~MobilePhone notprimary relation manager ~ManagerEmail relation partner ~Partner primaryEmail ~NewEmail notify ~OldEmail file WelcomeFile.html html

My testimport.csv file looks like the below:
Test,User,,,test123!#,,'/Office Team',/Office Team,,,,,,(555) 555-5555,,(444) 444-4444,"125 E. Main Street, Anytown, IL 34590",,,,Assistant Manager,,Restaurant,rest,,IL,,,TRUE,Active
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