Delegate access to Google Drive

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Jorge Abarca

Mar 10, 2021, 7:14:41 PM3/10/21

Is it possible to delegate access to my entire personal drive?? I know I can provide access to files, folders, etc...but can I delegate access to the entire Drive??

I've been looking for a GAM command but not luck yet.



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Brian Kim

Mar 11, 2021, 12:53:49 AM3/11/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
No there is no delegation similar to mail/contact delegation. Best alternative is maybe timed access? 

Ian Crew

Mar 11, 2021, 3:39:26 AM3/11/21
Or a Shared Drive, perhaps?

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Ian Crew

Solutions Architect
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Iain Macleod

Mar 11, 2021, 7:01:03 PM3/11/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
Not sure if this will help, I've experimented with this before when we had someone go out on a Leave of Absence and their manager needed access to all their files, but did not want to take ownership of everything. It will take all files from the root of the source's drive place them in a folder in the destinations drive and share it. It's not delegated access as if they add things to their root after the fact they will not share.  Everything in italics needs to be replaced. 

Get CSV of users Files in root                                                         gam user SourceUserID print filelist query "'root' in parents" title id > userrootfiles.csv
Create folder in users drive to house files once transferred gam user DestinationUserID create drivefile drivefilename "SourceUserEmail Files" mimetype gfolder csv > NewFolderID.csv
make user Editor on all files in CSV                                                 gam csv userrootfiles.csv gam user ~Owner add drivefileacl ~id user DestinationUserID role writer
Move Files into folder                                                                         gam csv userrootfiles.csv gam user  DestinationUserID   move drivefile ~id parentid NewFolderIdGrabFromCSV

Jorge Abarca

Mar 11, 2021, 8:08:18 PM3/11/21
thanks for the suggestions...wondering why this limitation?? We can delegate inbox, calendar, contacts?? Why can't Personal Drive be delegated?? 

Jay, anything that we are not seeing? We have been getting more requests on this.... 



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Kim Nilsson

Mar 19, 2021, 12:55:43 PM3/19/21
to GAM for Google Workspace
I don't think the user's MyDrive is a visible accessible unique entity.
It's just a place (root) where we can put or manage other files/folders.

We can't manage the actual root.
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