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Joshua Adair

Mar 9, 2018, 12:42:38 PM3/9/18
to GAM for G Suite

I noticed a function in the code that seems to scan a user's labels and fix the Inbox/ nesting issue that frequently results due to migrating to Google Apps from a legacy email system. I didn't notice any documentation in the Wiki, so I wanted to come here to inquire about using this functionality. I've attached a screenshot showing the respective code as well.


Ross Scroggs

Mar 9, 2018, 1:22:59 PM3/9/18

What are you trying to accomplish? Here is the command syntax.

gam <UserTypeEntity> update label search <RegularExpression> replace <LabelReplacement> [merge]

At it's simplest, <RegularExpression> is the old label name, and <LabelReplacement> is the new label name.
To change the label "Foo" to a new label "Bar" (the label "Bar" must not already exist):
gam user update label search "Foo" replace "Bar"

If there is any chance that "Foo" may appear in the middle of a label, you can anchor the search <RegularExpressions>
with ^ and $ so that only "Foo" exactly matches.
gam user update label search "^Foo$" replace "Bar"

To change the label "Foo" to an existing label "Bar", use the merge option.
gam user update label search "^Foo$" replace "Bar" merge

If you want to use part of an old label name in the new label name, you isolate the portion of the old label name you want to keep
and indicate in the new label name where the isolated portion goes. In search <RegularExpression> there should be one instance of a
parenthesized expression, e.g., (.*). In replace <String>, %s indicates where the isolated portions goes.
gam user update label search "^INBOX/(.*)$" replace "O365/%s"


On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 9:35 AM, Joshua Adair <> wrote:

I noticed a function in the code that seems to scan a user's labels and fix the Inbox/ nesting issue that frequently results due to migrating to Google Apps from a legacy email system. I didn't notice any documentation in the Wiki, so I wanted to come here to inquire about using this functionality. I've attached a screenshot showing the respective code as well.


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Joshua Adair

Mar 14, 2018, 10:15:27 AM3/14/18
to GAM for G Suite
Thank you so much Ross. Basically, I'm trying to "cleanup" label names after a migration, and I have the typical issues of the legacy folder names being "migrated" with Inbox/ as the top level folder. As a result, user labels look like:


I basically want to remove "Inbox/" from every label and sublabel in a way that also preserves the proper nesting structure. Your feedback gets me there, and I've been able to confirm results with a few tests. I also found the following post by you that helped:

Thanks again!

On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 1:22:59 PM UTC-5, Ross Scroggs wrote:

What are you trying to accomplish? Here is the command syntax.

gam <UserTypeEntity> update label search <RegularExpression> replace <LabelReplacement> [merge]

At it's simplest, <RegularExpression> is the old label name, and <LabelReplacement> is the new label name.
To change the label "Foo" to a new label "Bar" (the label "Bar" must not already exist):
gam user update label search "Foo" replace "Bar"

If there is any chance that "Foo" may appear in the middle of a label, you can anchor the search <RegularExpressions>
with ^ and $ so that only "Foo" exactly matches.
gam user update label search "^Foo$" replace "Bar"

To change the label "Foo" to an existing label "Bar", use the merge option.
gam user update label search "^Foo$" replace "Bar" merge

If you want to use part of an old label name in the new label name, you isolate the portion of the old label name you want to keep
and indicate in the new label name where the isolated portion goes. In search <RegularExpression> there should be one instance of a
parenthesized expression, e.g., (.*). In replace <String>, %s indicates where the isolated portions goes.
gam user update label search "^INBOX/(.*)$" replace "O365/%s"


On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 9:35 AM, Joshua Adair <> wrote:

I noticed a function in the code that seems to scan a user's labels and fix the Inbox/ nesting issue that frequently results due to migrating to Google Apps from a legacy email system. I didn't notice any documentation in the Wiki, so I wanted to come here to inquire about using this functionality. I've attached a screenshot showing the respective code as well.


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Graham Ingleby

Mar 23, 2018, 5:46:43 AM3/23/18
to GAM group
Hi Joshua

The command you want is
gam user update label merge

The merge option will combine the content of inbox/label with label if it already exists

Anyone can edit the Wiki to correct any errors or add missing commands etc



Graham Ingleby  |  Google Cloud Consultant  |  +44 1344 203395  |
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Thanks again!
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