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Signature Replace tags question

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Jun 3, 2019, 11:12:09 AM6/3/19
to GAM for G Suite
We replaced a signature solution for my company because it was way to expensive for what we needed it to do. I am learning GAM and have to say I am impressed, with how much you can do with it. My question is does the replace tags only pull information from a CSV file? can for instance 

gam user juan signature file juan.txt html replace firstName ~name.givenName replace lastName ~name.familyName

pull the givenName and familyName info straight from the company directory?

If it does need to pull the information from a CSV can i create a CSV from the entire company directory and have it update the signature only for the user specified in the command ie user Juan.

gam csv userData.csv gam user juan signature file SigTemplate.txt html replace firstName ~name.givenName replace lastName ~name.familyName


Ross Scroggs

Jun 3, 2019, 11:19:01 AM6/3/19

gam user juan signature file juan.txt html replace firstName field:name.givenName replace lastName field:name.familyName


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Jun 3, 2019, 12:53:37 PM6/3/19
to GAM for G Suite
Thank you Ross I actually had to upgrade my gam to GAMADV-XTD3 but that worked.

I had tried Field: previously but it didn't work either unitl I noticed that the instructions always seem to be on the GAMADV github.

On Monday, June 3, 2019 at 11:19:01 AM UTC-4, Ross Scroggs wrote:

gam user juan signature file juan.txt html replace firstName field:name.givenName replace lastName field:name.familyName


On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 8:12 AM Juan <> wrote:
We replaced a signature solution for my company because it was way to expensive for what we needed it to do. I am learning GAM and have to say I am impressed, with how much you can do with it. My question is does the replace tags only pull information from a CSV file? can for instance 

gam user juan signature file juan.txt html replace firstName ~name.givenName replace lastName ~name.familyName

pull the givenName and familyName info straight from the company directory?

If it does need to pull the information from a CSV can i create a CSV from the entire company directory and have it update the signature only for the user specified in the command ie user Juan.

gam csv userData.csv gam user juan signature file SigTemplate.txt html replace firstName ~name.givenName replace lastName ~name.familyName


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Ross Scroggs


Jun 8, 2019, 6:33:57 AM6/8/19
to GAM for G Suite

Harold Horsman

Nov 29, 2019, 10:15:49 AM11/29/19
to GAM for G Suite

I am trying to create signatures for several functional userid's in my ogranization, so I started by trying with the example you provided (at )
But when I start the command, nothing seems to happen. No error message appears, no other message either. After a few minutes staring at the screen, I have to break it with Control-C.
What could be wrong?

Command (I removed the CR/LF's):
gam user testuser signature file Signature-TEST.txt html replace first field:name.givenname replace last field:name.familyname replace officephone replace mobilephone replace email field:email.primaryemail replace address field:address.formatted replace department field:organization.department replace title field:organization.title replace building field:location.buildingname replace floor field:location.floorname replace section field:location.floorsection replace desk field:location.deskcode


<div dir='ltr' style='color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px'>
<p>Name: {first} {last}<br />
{RT}Address: {address}<br />{/RT}
{RT}Department: {department}, Title: {title}<br />{/RT}
{RT}Location: Building: {building}, Floor: {floor}, Section: {section}, Desk: {desk}<br />{/RT}
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{RTL}
Email: {email}</p>

On Monday, 3 June 2019 17:19:01 UTC+2, Ross Scroggs wrote:

gam user juan signature file juan.txt html replace firstName field:name.givenName replace lastName field:name.familyName


On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 8:12 AM Juan <> wrote:
We replaced a signature solution for my company because it was way to expensive for what we needed it to do. I am learning GAM and have to say I am impressed, with how much you can do with it. My question is does the replace tags only pull information from a CSV file? can for instance 

gam user juan signature file juan.txt html replace firstName ~name.givenName replace lastName ~name.familyName

pull the givenName and familyName info straight from the company directory?

If it does need to pull the information from a CSV can i create a CSV from the entire company directory and have it update the signature only for the user specified in the command ie user Juan.

gam csv userData.csv gam user juan signature file SigTemplate.txt html replace firstName ~name.givenName replace lastName ~name.familyName


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Ross Scroggs

Harold Horsman

Nov 29, 2019, 10:42:28 AM11/29/19
to GAM for G Suite
I forgot to mention that I'm on gam 4.97.01

Ross Scroggs

Nov 29, 2019, 11:33:45 AM11/29/19

I can duplicate, I'm looking for the the problem.


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Ross Scroggs

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Ross Scroggs

Nov 29, 2019, 11:43:51 AM11/29/19

There is a bug that is exposed by a typo in your file.
<div dir='ltr' style='color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px'>
<p>Name: {first} {last}<br />
{RT}Address: {address}<br />{/RT}
{RT}Department: {department}, Title: {title}<br />{/RT}
{RT}Location: Building: {building}, Floor: {floor}, Section: {section}, Desk: {desk}<br />{/RT}
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{RTL}
Email: {email}</p>

This line is missing the / in front of the closing RTL which throws GAM into a loop.
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{RTL}
It should be:
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{/RTL}


Harold Horsman

Nov 29, 2019, 12:43:05 PM11/29/19
to GAM for G Suite
Aha, in that case you have found your own typo, as I copied this section 1-on-1 from the example at:

Thank you for responding so quickly again.

On Friday, 29 November 2019 17:43:51 UTC+1, Ross Scroggs wrote:

There is a bug that is exposed by a typo in your file.
<div dir='ltr' style='color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px'>
<p>Name: {first} {last}<br />
{RT}Address: {address}<br />{/RT}
{RT}Department: {department}, Title: {title}<br />{/RT}
{RT}Location: Building: {building}, Floor: {floor}, Section: {section}, Desk: {desk}<br />{/RT}
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{RTL}
Email: {email}</p>

This line is missing the / in front of the closing RTL which throws GAM into a loop.
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{RTL}
It should be:
{RTL}{RT}Office: {officephone} {/RT}{RT}Mobile: {mobilephone}{/RT}<br />{/RTL}


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Ross Scroggs

Ross Scroggs

Nov 29, 2019, 12:58:24 PM11/29/19

Ouch! Bug is fixed in 4.97.02 and Wiki is corrected.



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Ross Scroggs

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