Google Apps Free + Multiple Email accounts on Seperate Domains + Syncing Google DOCS + Goog Calendar

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brett taylor

Aug 30, 2012, 4:06:53 PM8/30/12
I have 3 people that have 3 company Emails.

Can i set these up so that they can accept Google document Shares and Google Calendar Shares?

Inside of GoDaddy I set up email  bob@site2 , bob@site3 to CC: to bob@site1

Inside of settings inside of Gmail: pop is enabled , but not selected. , IMAP is enabled,
ALso, accounts i forward and set up as an ALias.

With this set up I can't accept calendar & document shares.
Also, will this be free forever even though I'm set up for business apps free trial?

I can't figure out the solution.
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