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User1,What OS are you on?What version of GAM do you have? Do: gam version
On Aug 6, 2017, at 5:52 AM, User1 User1 <us...@cdt-w.xyz> wrote:
Hello,I just finished to create a GAM project and configuring it.However, the first GAM command I tried : "gam info org /" gave me this error :Traceback (most recent call last):File "gam.py", line 11190, in <module>File "gam.py", line 10578, in ProcessGAMCommandFile "gam.py", line 8363, in doGetOrgInfoKeyError: u'organizationUnits'Failed to execute script gamI have followed all the configuration steps, I really don't understand.Thank you for your help.--
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When I install the update, will I have to do all the configuration again with my project ?
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