List All Shared (Team) drives within organization only

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Austin Showalter

Mar 13, 2020, 7:52:38 AM3/13/20
to GAM for G Suite

I am trying to return all Shared drive IDs with current members.  Currently the only way I see to do it is with this command: all users print teamdrives

The above command loops through all users and prints the Shared drive IDs that the user has access to.  This includes Shared drives from outside the organization.  In my particular case I need only the Shared drives within the organization.  It looks like Google has an API that lists only Shared drives from within the organization, is there anyway to do this with GAM?

Ross Scroggs

Mar 13, 2020, 5:20:45 PM3/13/20

With Advanced GAM ( what you want is simple.

Write list of Shared Drives to file
gam redirect csv TeamDrives.csv print teamdrives

Write list of Shared Drive Permissions to file

gam redirect csv ./TeamDriveACLs.csv print teamdriveacls


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Austin Showalter

Mar 16, 2020, 8:21:10 AM3/16/20
to GAM for G Suite
Thanks Ross,
I have not used Advanced GAM, can it run beside GAM or does it need it's own setup with authentication keys etc.

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 5:20:45 PM UTC-4, Ross Scroggs wrote:

With Advanced GAM ( what you want is simple.

Write list of Shared Drives to file
gam redirect csv TeamDrives.csv print teamdrives

Write list of Shared Drive Permissions to file

gam redirect csv ./TeamDriveACLs.csv print teamdriveacls


On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 4:52 AM Austin Showalter <> wrote:

I am trying to return all Shared drive IDs with current members.  Currently the only way I see to do it is with this command: all users print teamdrives

The above command loops through all users and prints the Shared drive IDs that the user has access to.  This includes Shared drives from outside the organization.  In my particular case I need only the Shared drives within the organization.  It looks like Google has an API that lists only Shared drives from within the organization, is there anyway to do this with GAM?

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Ross Scroggs

Ross Scroggs

Mar 16, 2020, 8:30:43 AM3/16/20

Advanced GAM can be used to replace Standard GAM or can run in parallel.
It uses the same project client_secrets.json and oauth2service.json files. It requires an updated oath.txt file.

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