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I'm using GAM to force password changes, but about a third of the commands fail with Error 400

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Chris M

Mar 12, 2014, 11:03:49 AM3/12/14
I needed to reset 655 of the users in our domain.  I made up batch of commands to ripple through with GAM, but I have to send them in small batches to catch errors and then reset those accounts manually through the control panel or with FlashPanel.  Over a third of our accounts (230 of 655) will not take the command, giving an Error 400: Invalid Email where it lists a completely different user's name.  

Here's what it looks like when I run the command:

gam update user changepassword on
updating user
Error 400: Invalid Email: Someone Else - invalid

The names seem like they may be related by a supervisory or departmental connection, but there is no one-to-one match in delegation or any other connection that I've found that explains the problem.  If I try to re-run the command for the same account, I consistently get the same error.  I had this in the 3.02 last fall, and in 3.03 and 3.05 today - all 64 bit (I had hoped that the newer versions might magically fix the issue - alas, no).  I just tried 3.05 32 bit (still on my Windows 7 Professional 64 bit system) - same error...

Is there something I'm missing, or is this a bug?  Could FlashPanel's interactions with our account be creating an issue?  I'm not looking forward to playing this game again when reset time rolls around next.  :(

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Chris M

Mar 12, 2014, 11:48:37 AM3/12/14
I take it back, I think I have found the "missing link" - a quick sampling of the failed accounts suggests they all have a "Manager" listed in their contact information with a name, not an email address.  ("Someone Else" - not

The "Manager" data is populated through FlashPanel (or originally through SherpaTools?) through APIs.  It certainly isn't required to be an email address, but I'm not sure how that would affect things - so I'll give it a try...  Having an email address instead of a name allows GAM to make the change, but why would that interfere with the command?  It seems unrelated...  And the FlashPanel interface wants to populate the field with a name (it suggests members of the directory as you type).

Anyhow, is there a was to issue the command such that the existence of a name (not an email) in this Manager field doesn't break GAM?

Jay Lee

Mar 13, 2014, 1:31:29 PM3/13/14
That is strange that the API seems to care about the manager attribute when updating the changepassword field but there's nothing GAM can do about this.

The manager attribute definitely should be an email address and that of a current user also. That's the only value the API will accept when updating the field via the Directory API. So this seems to be an issue on the FlashPanel and Google side, not GAM.


Jay Lee
Director, Apps Deployments   |  Dito
☎ (267) 712-9533  |  ✉


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Chris Monsma

Mar 13, 2014, 2:50:21 PM3/13/14
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.  I'll pass that along to the folks at FlashPanel!

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Chris Monsma

Mar 14, 2014, 3:24:17 PM3/14/14
The FlashPanel (BetterCloud) folks are suggesting that the field is for open text, not necessarily an email address.  Are you able to point me to any documentation that defines the requirement for an email address?  Is there more than one "manager" field?

Here's the response they sent me:


Looking over this it seems to just be an open text field:

Could you please point me to where the API specifies that it should be an email address so I can pass this along the dev team?

Thanks :)


Customer Advocate | BetterCloud Support

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Jay Lee <> wrote:

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Dave Kaminsky

Mar 14, 2014, 3:32:24 PM3/14/14

I have seen the sam behavior when trying to hide an entire OU's profile.  If the Manager's Name is set, but there is no email address Gam will error 400.  I can send samples to you as needed.

Dave Kaminsky
Manager of Alternative Client Systems
Office: (732) 562-5422

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Jay Lee <> wrote:

Jay Lee

Mar 14, 2014, 4:37:18 PM3/14/14
Hey Guys,

  Google seems to be forcing the manager field to be an email address when using the new Directory API. You can see this behavior when running the command:

gam update user jsmith relation manager "George Jones"

it will fail with Google giving an error indicating that the field must be an email address.

However, other APIs that allow updating the manager field (like the old Profiles API which GADS uses and I asuume FlashPanel is using also) don't seem to enforce any requirements on this field.

I'm reaching out to Google with this information and will keep you updated with the status.

@Chris: if you could reach out to BetterCloud with this information also it may be helpful though I suspect the issue needs to be fixed on Google's end.


Jay Lee
Director, Apps Deployments   |  Dito
☎ (267) 712-9533  |  ✉


Chris Monsma

Mar 14, 2014, 5:17:16 PM3/14/14
Done!  Thank you Jay.

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